Movie Chronicles » Rory’s Death Kiss Sat, 19 May 2012 16:57:07 +0000 en hourly 1 Rory’s Death Kiss Deadline Passes Sun, 18 Nov 2007 15:26:24 +0000 Batman … and no major, newsworthy update yet. Rory’s Death Kiss… has however updated with a new message at the bottom of the page:

It seems those with accepted submissions will receive something special in the post, probably around Thanksgiving. We’ll have to wait and see what that is, the rumors suggest some sort of Poster.

The feedback we’re getting from the fans that waited for this deadline to pass is that the majority are extremely disappointed, especially those that took part in the photo taking challenge but had their pictures rejected or those that took pictures of the letters to reveal the hidden message — they will not be rewarded for their promotional efforts.

Maybe this is because the old prize — a set of Dark Knight stills, was let loose on the net a few weeks back, spoiling the entire scenario. However that’s just speculation on my part.

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Rory’s Death Kiss updates with pictures Sun, 04 Nov 2007 17:55:50 +0000 Batman Rory’s Death Kiss has updated; it now contains a plethora of photos portraying fans dressed up as The Joker in front of famous city monuments.

Rory's Death Kiss Updated

Rory's Death Kiss

There’s also a lovely little picture of the jack-o-lantern with a gun to its “head”:

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Rory’s Death Kiss Post Halloween Challenge Wed, 31 Oct 2007 20:38:52 +0000 Batman The Why So Serious Halloween Viral Marketing Campaign has taken its next step in the most exciting of fashions. All the letters have been filled in and this picture of The Joker was revealed (click for large):

Clicking that image takes you from Why So Serious to a play on the film’s filming title Rory’s First Kiss… Rory’s Death Kiss. Here The Joker presents us with another challenge:

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The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules Wed, 31 Oct 2007 17:55:23 +0000 Batman Updated: Rory’s Death Kiss 

I apologise for the brevity of the last post, it was a hop-in hop-out post as quickly as possible dilemma.

As you all probably know, the Halloween Why So Serious scavenger hunt is well underway. “Clowns” have been “ordered” to go and take pictures of various places throughout an assortment of major cities across the United States. These pictures are then uploaded to form a message…

The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules“Not all the letters are filled in yet but the message is clear. It appears like a screen cap from the movie will reveal itself once the message is complete. Maybe it will be related to Two-Face, considering the pumpkin rotting scenario.I have set up a topic for discussion on the forums (apologies for the theme on there at the moment, we had to revert back whilst some issues with PHPBB were ironed out):

Why So Serious Discussion

The Clues:

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