Movie Chronicles » The First Avenger: Captain America

On set

First Captain America set pictures surface August 18th, 2010

The Cap­tain Amer­ica set was dis­cov­ered by The Media Club in Bourne woods, Sur­rey, UK, and they’ve been kind enough to post up some snaps of the loca­tion and pro­vide a lit­tle com­men­tary (although no scene details are mentioned).

On set report

via Media Club

Yes­ter­day I headed over to the film set for the upcom­ing big-budget 2011 Mar­vel release, Cap­tain Amer­ica: The First Avenger, after receiv­ing a sneaky tip from a friend that the film­ing was tak­ing place near my house. After trekking through the Bourne Woods in Farn­ham, Sur­rey, for about 10 min­utes we reached a perime­ter which, due to health and safety rea­son (AKA mas­sive explo­sions etc), we were not allowed to cross… so we didn’t. There were some tanks and some fel­las chill­ing out in army uni­forms, just then I noticed a man with a dirty blonde grown-out mil­i­tary hair­cut and I pointed for my friend to see. At this point a north­ern secu­rity woman tot­tered over to ask us if we were okay, to which we replied “yes”. We then began hav­ing a friendly chat to the woman about the loca­tion that has been pre­vi­ously used in Glad­i­a­tor, Chil­dren of Men, Harry Pot­ter, Wolf­man and the more recent Robin Hood. We then asked her what was going on cur­rently– with all the mil­i­tary vehi­cles and alike. At this point a rather seri­ous look­ing gen­tle­man came over and began to explain that the pro­duc­tion was that of a upcom­ing World War 2 film with the ridicu­lous name ‘Frost­bite’. We pre­tended to eat up his bar­rel of lies until he went on his busy way (which took all of 2 sec­onds). The secu­rity lady then seemed rather proud of their decep­tion before she noticed us whis­per­ing and gig­gling– like girls. She once again asked us if we were ok; this was the point at which our visit turned. We responded by inform­ing her that we knew it wasn’t ‘Frost­bite’, she played dumb and asked us what we ‘thought’ we knew. “Well,” I began “that guy over there is watch­ing a Cap­tain Amer­ica Tshirt, that mas­sive sticker on that trailer has Cap­tain Amer­ica on it, that’s Hay­ley Atwell (the female lead in the film) and we just saw Chris Evans (the actor play­ing Steve Rogers AKA Cpatain Amer­ica) walk­ing past in the cos­tume barely cov­ered by a trench coat.” This did have a shock­ing effect on the secu­rity woman, and she rudely claimed that we knew more than she did. She took a few steps back and we con­tin­ued to talk qui­etly amongst our­selves behind the bar­rier. About a minute later a tall man walked towards and told us we were being ‘a nui­sance’ we apol­o­gised and told him we were unaware; he then con­tin­ued and told us that he was call­ing the police and that we would be arrested. At this point I won­dered on what charges this could take place, he con­tin­ued to glare at us. “Man­ners cost noth­ing, my friend” I replied. He didn’t take too kindly to this rec­om­men­da­tion and we walked off.

Basi­cally, it was very excit­ing to see Chris Evans in cos­tume, the film set is look­ing good and the pro­duc­tion is obvi­ously being taken very seri­ously (as it should because Cap­tain Amer­ica is awe­some) and the shoot is being kept on the super-secret down-low but regret­tably some of the crew are so far up their own ass that they really ruined my excite­ment about a film I have been hugely look­ing for­ward to. Truth be told that guy is a tosser, and I went home to make posters to inform the pub­lic that ‘Frost­bite’ is a lie and that there was free entry to the set of Cap­tain America.