This is a site about the live action movie adaptation of Halo, the Xbox and PC video game created by Bungie and Microsoft. Dedicated to everything new on this upcoming project, we support the cause, providing it doesn't turn into a long drawn out CGI-Hollywood Action-fest, which would quite obviously ruin the Halo series. However ignoring that fact, if this movie can build on the evolving storyline and the foundations set by the Halo game, this movie shall be unmissable.
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IESB are reporting that Steven Spielberg may be taking up the Halo movie gig, a couple years after his Tintin pal Peter Jackson dropped the project. There’s no conclusive proof and the rumor sources are “studio executives” and “close ties to CAA”; what do the rumors say?
“[Steven Spielberg is] currently in active negotiations to develop the feature film adaptation”
The story is hyped up with details of Spielberg’s video game hobbies and suggested fascination of the latest Stuart Beattie “Fall of reach” script, aka a Master Chief back story originally written in 2001 by Erik Nylund. We’re taking this one with a grain of salt. BUT, it is good to see the Halo movie back in the limelight — one day, maybe, it will hit the big screens.
IESB has learned exclusively (believe me this is solid and I’ve confirmed it three times over with studio executives and our close ties to CAA) that one of the biggest producers in Hollywood history is currently in active negotiations to develop the feature film adaptation and no it’s not Jerry Bruckheimer or Peter Jackson. It’s the man behind Jaws, E.T., Indiana Jones and Transformers, Mr. Steven Spielberg.
Spielberg is blown away by writer Stuart Beattie’s take on the game in his script entitled HALO THE FALL OF REACH. This coupled with the fact that his Dreamworks umbrella is looking for a big tent pole to help launch their newly independant studio with distribution over at Walt Disney Pictures after losing Transformers to Paramount in the separation, it’s the perfect combination.
Hollywood screenwriter, Stuart Beattie, who was responsible for Gears of War screenplay for New Line Cinema last year, has written the new Halo script. Word says that Microsoft like it and that they are discussing possible plans for it to be made.
Bettie beleives the old style Halo movie incaration is dead and is ready to release his vision, Halo: The Fall of Reach, a prequel to the first game. John Gaudiosi finds out what this vision is, in his interview for game daily. See the full transcript below.
And thanks to Blair Allan for sending us this news.
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These are the last two concept images brought to us by Latino Review as part of Stuart Beattie’s Fall of reach pitch.

Right on time, Latino Review have released their third concept image for the Halo — Fall of Reach movie:

Two more to go!
As promised, Latino Review have posted the second piece of Halo Movie concept art (in an angsty post). Enjoy, and remember there will be a new one next week.

(View the first concept image)

Latino Review have the exclusive on some concept are released to coincide with Stuart Beattie’s Halo: Fall of Reach treatment which acts as a prequel to the Halo video game series. The image is by conceptual artist Kasra Farahani (previous work includes Spider-man 3 and Hancock) and is part of a larger presentation to Microsoft.
According to Latino writer El Mayimbe, there are some big time Hollywood professionals that are also major Halo fans that want to see this movie made — let’s not give up hope yet.
Neill Blomkamp’s first big screen work has also started a viral stir at SDCC, District 9 which looks very interesting. “For Humans Only”. Due for release next August, if this film can deliver the goods then the old Jackson/Blomkamp partnership may get its financial backing after all.
We can also look forward to five more concept images being released over the next few weeks, stay tuned.
Kotaku had a chance to quiz head of Microsoft Game Studios Phil Spencer and vice president of Strategy and Business Development Shane Kim at E3, trying to draw out of them as much Halo information as possible — touching on the movie in the process.
We continue to be in discussions with various potential partners. We’re so excited about the idea. We don’t have anything specific to announce but I can tell you that their continues to be tremendous interest. We wanna make sure, whenever we translate it to the big screen that its going to be a movie worthy of the IP. So we’re going to be very careful about how we proceed there.
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