Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Weta’s Warthog closeup May 14th, 2008

Weta’s fully func­tional Warthog build was on dis­play at Armaged­don in Welling­ton, NZ. NZGamer were at the scene to cap­ture some close up shots:

Comments 9 Responses to “Weta’s Warthog closeup”

Cameron May 29th, 2008

Halo movie has been delayed

Ani­mus­mors June 3rd, 2008

I really don’t see why this movie isn’t in production

Stephen July 21st, 2008

I am a big fan of halo. Bungie had really out done itself when it made Halo3. Now a movie? Laser tag? What next? Keep up your hard work Bungie!

DxDark August 6th, 2008

This movie was going to be the FIRST movie that didnt put the game to shame…*SIGH*
WHY did they have to put it on hold…WHY GOD, WHY!!! ;__;

DxDark August 6th, 2008

Hmm..I won­der if they are going to have Prop Tanks too…*Drools*

nathan August 19th, 2008

i want to help in the movie if i can,but idont know how to con­tact bungie or microsoft. if you guys can plz send them my email address and like i said i will help how­ever i can c ya guys

mman360 October 12th, 2008

i heard its on hold becouse it cost way to much

Car­nell Vance November 12th, 2008


Austen July 22nd, 2010

In my opin­ion if they do they movie using real peo­ple and scenes it has a pos­si­bil­ity of failing…so i think they should use full CG such as with beowolf…but i do how­ever look for­ward to this movie.…it said some­thing some­where bout 2012 as the the­ater release date…but that breaks my heart due to the world ending.…oh well