Movie Chronicles » Conan

Not an homage, not a remake March 17th, 2009

MTV have briefly spo­ken with Brett Rat­ner con­cern­ing the new Conan movie, Rat­ner revealed that the story shall return to its roots and the mythol­ogy of the char­ac­ters before com­ment­ing on his own involve­ment in the adaptation:

“The script is very cool, con­tem­po­rary,” Rat­ner told MTV News. “It’s not an homage. It’s not a remake, really. It’s going back to the orig­i­nal source mate­r­ial — the mythol­ogy of the characters.”

“[Screen­writ­ers Dirk Black­man and Howard McCain] just did an incred­i­ble, incred­i­ble job or else I wouldn’t be risk­ing it,” said Rat­ner. “Because I know how dif­fi­cult it is to do these movies and its some­thing that I’m really excited about.”