Movie Chronicles » Conan

Marcus Nispel to direct new Conan movie June 11th, 2009

A short while ago we had word of a short­list of poten­tial Conan movie direc­tors; their spe­cialty was in hor­ror movies. The list included Christoph Gans, Neil Mar­shall and direc­tor of choice, Mar­cus Nis­pel. Nis­pel helmed the The Texas Chain­saw Mas­sacre and Fri­day the 13th remakes and more wor­ringly, the ter­ri­ble Viking movie, “Pathfinder”.

A new direc­tor was sought after Brett Rat­ner stepped down from the helm due to sched­ul­ing con­straints. The movie is likely to have a smaller bud­get and could begin pro­duc­tion as early as August this year, with reports sug­gest­ing Bul­garia as its locale.
Dirk Black­man and Howard McCain are cur­rently work­ing through Dean Don­nelly and Joshua Oppenheimer’s first draft.

An announce­ment as to who shall play Conan is expected shortly.

Comments 3 Responses to “Marcus Nispel to direct new Conan movie”

ralf June 14th, 2009

Drasko And­jic for lead­ing role is the best choice

ralf June 14th, 2009

Drasko And­jic is the man for lead­ing role,the best choice for new Conan

hengfa December 31st, 2009

to this day I am not sure why this is so dif­fi­cult to get. nobody really wants to see Nispel’s ‘vision’ of Conan– it wasn’t mr. nis­pel who cre­ated this char­ac­ter but a man who wrote amaz­ing pulp fic­tion named Robert E. Howard. And it is that char­ac­ter that has kept the brand alive and sought after. That’s whose vision should be rep­re­sented. There isn’t any need to do any­thing but fol­low the lead of LotR (minus weird elf tricks like slid­ing down a stair­case on a shield) and take the Conan sto­ries as Howard wrote them and put them on screen. They are MYTHIC, they are EPIC.

This is like telling me there is a great Philly Cheeses­teak joint in Alaska. They have made Conan a psy­chopath. If you want to do that stuff, make your own hero.

This char­ac­ter and brand are sadly being gut­ted for a quick one off and this will end the brand in this medium, just like conan the destroyer did. at least mil­ius film like it or hate it, was decently writ­ten even if they too missed a lot about what Conan was. But this script is hor­ren­dously bad, full of gap­ing plot holes and jum­bling efforts at story telling– it’s not that good.

this pas­tiche non­sense needs to end– why would we see this movie that does not present real Conan? every fan and every­one who reads the sto­ries all agree that when they read a Howard story, then a non Howard story, the Howard story trumps it! Even the authors who are try­ing to dupli­cate Howard say it, to a man.