Movie Chronicles » Cowboy Bebop Live Action Movie

Keanu Reaves gives update on Cowboy Bebop movie September 23rd, 2009

Speak­ing to MTV at a recent press event, Keanu Reeves revealed a bit about the progress of the Bebop movie. The first draft of the adap­ta­tion is com­plete, and although described as ‘fan­tas­tic’, it was ulti­mately too expen­sive to make. It is being reworked into some­thing a bit more producible.

“There’s a draft of the script, but the writer did such a great job [that] in order to make the movie, you would need half a bil­lion dollars.”

How­ever, Reeves indi­cated that the writer’s adher­ence to the galaxy-spanning adven­ture of the full entire series might prove a lit­tle daunt­ing for production.

“So the stu­dio went, ‘This movie is fan­tas­tic and it would cost half a bil­lion dol­lars,” laughed Reeves, “so he’s doing a rewrite.”

“The only chal­lenge was to make a sat­is­fy­ing west­ern nar­ra­tive out of the kind of sto­ry­telling that hap­pens,” he added. “There’s a great draft, so we’re just try­ing to pull it back a lit­tle bit now.”

Thanks Nick!

Comments 3 Responses to “Keanu Reaves gives update on Cowboy Bebop movie”

bxjam85 November 29th, 2009

They really should make this movie into two sep­a­rate vol­umes like Kill Bill. The story is too com­plex and rich for a sin­gle two hour film.

Pene­lope May 26th, 2010

That is not a bad idea at all . 2 sep­a­rate vol­umes like kill bill. Keanu is sooo cute. He looks like Spike Seigel. He will do a great job. Can­not wait!

MJ July 29th, 2010

any updates?