Movie Chronicles » Ghostbusters III

Third Ghostbusters 3 draft script finished September 18th, 2009

In August Akroyd stated the new Ghost­busters 3 script wasn’t quite ready yet. Speak­ing to the press in Bal­ti­more he casu­ally men­tioned that the script had been com­pleted and that he’d be read­ing it shortly. The project is still mov­ing along, bit by bit. Let’s hope the script is good and the film picks up some pace.

Will Slimer be mak­ing a cameo in the upcom­ing Ghost­busters movie?
I’m going to see the script in the next few hours, I’m about to read the third script, I’ve been sub­mit­ted it and we’ll see what happens.

Comments 10 Responses to “Third Ghostbusters 3 draft script finished”

Patrick September 22nd, 2009

Last sat­ur­day I heard from Ivan Reit­man say­ing that the Ghost­busters 3 script is Awe­some very good script! He said that every­one has a copy of the script. I knew because i had a lot of faith that the Office writ­ers wouldn’t screw up the script. Ivan said that the script is Great! Dan was wor­ried about how the script would be like well it turned out Great! The Orig­i­nal GB’s likes the script and Sony will to after they rece­vied the script. Pro­duc­tion will began this Win­ter of 2009 because Dan­said that to because the script is Great to make Finally! 2012 Ghost­busters 3 will be in The­aters! Sigour­ney will like the script to because first she said yes then no so with Ivan say­ing that this is a Great script I’m hop­ing that Sigour­ney will change her mind again and read the script because she will like it to!

GB1984 October 1st, 2009

Aren’t you the same guy who said that GB 3 would be out in 2007? I’ve seen other stuff you’ve posted on other sites, and A LOT of your infor­ma­tion is wrong! Let me guess, you got it from IMDB?

Nobody is just going to take your word for it, because from what I’ve read, your not very well liked, not to men­tion the fact that your infor­ma­tion is wrong.

And as far as the script being good, because the guys who write for ‘The Office’ wrote it? I don’t think so! FYI? ‘The Office’ isn’t a good show, and the actors aren’t funny, so if the GB script is ANYTHING like the show, GB 3 isn’t going to be good at all!

Twister112 October 8th, 2009

LoL yes i think its the same guy…

Btw Yes the script is fin­ish but they are read­ing it atm
If it will get a green light we will all hear about it on trusted sites or true con­nec­tions ;o)

And Patrick plz stop post crap again :)
You see i was right about all at the page you posted crap :)

have a great day /afternoon every­one :)

Patrick October 9th, 2009

Look I never caused srap before so please stop say­ing that about me! I’m sick of aholes telling lies about me!!! No that wasn’t me say­ing that GB3 will be here in 2007. I don’t care ime because i know how to read right Infor­ma­tion about movies! The script is fin­ished and every­one has a copy of the GB3 script and Ivan likes it so much that he wants to direct GB3. There’s some­one else who will direct GB3 if Ivan doesn’t want to but Ivan wants to direct GB3. I never pulled any crap you guys did so please stop say­ing that I caused crap because I never did!!! You don’t see me call­ing you names so please stop call­ing me names!!! Ghost­busters 3 will be here in 2012 and Pro­duc­tion will began this Win­ter of 2009 because Sony will like the script after they read it then film­ing will began in 2011 for a 2012 release. Harold said it takes a whole year to get film­ing ready before film­ing in 2011 for a 2012 release!! Things are look­ing up for GB3. Dan said that GB3 is get­ting a lot closer to make now is that enough proof about GB3 com­ing or what!

Patrick October 20th, 2009

Big Big Ghost­busters 3 news I have to share!!!!!! Ivan Reit­man said at a Span­ish Place where he was accept­ing an Award tells the peo­ple and of course he had a Trans­later that Ghost­busters 3 is on it’s way! He said that the par­ties have aggreed on the GB3 script and the Plot and it’s been accepted and he said that my #1 Favorite Actress Sigour­ney Weaver is back on board to be in Ghost­busters 3 which I’m Very pleased about!!! Now there wait­ing for Sony to approve the GB3 script which they will. Over this past week­end Ivan called Ernie Hud­son and told him about Ghost­busters 3 because he hasn’t talked to Ivan yet and now Ernie
did. Bill Mur­ray will be called by Ivan because Bill hasn’t seen the script along with Annie Potts. When Harold had a GB3 meet­ing inn L.A. last month in Sept. Harold,Dan and Ivan were the only ones who saw the script then either Ivan,harold,or Dan called Sigour­ney and told her to read the script and she likedd it then she said put me back on and she’s back on! The 2 GB’s liked the GB3 script very much! Along with Ivan Reit­man! Dan said last week in an Inter­view that he’s wait­ing for the Pro­duc­tion num­ber from Sony to approve because they will approve it because Ivan told Ernie that Pro­duc­tion will began next Fall of Sept. of 2010. In past reports it says that GB3 is a GO before Sony says so and It’s a GO already. Sony WILL approve that in a while before this Win­ter of 2009! Things are finally look­ing up for the GB Fans and GB3 will be here in the Sum­mer of 2012 not 2011! There are Proof GB3 posters that says so. One of them says 2011 but that’s the wrong year so I found 2 Awe­some GB3 posters for the 2012 release! Hang on Tight because Ghost­busters 3 is coming!!!

GB1984 October 25th, 2009

Every­thing you’ve found out about GB 3 is false!

Just because there is a script (and NO not everone has a copy! Bill Mur­ray hasn’t seen it), doesn’t mean anything!

As Dan Aykroyd said “until we have a green­light, we CAN’T put the stick up into the mega-corporation and draw the honey”, which in lay­mens (Patrick) terms means: NO pro­duc­tion #/greenlight from Sony (the “mega-corporation”) = NO GB 3

Get it?

Patrick November 17th, 2009

GB 1984 Dan Aykroyd has already con­firmed that Bill Mur­ray has seen the GB3 script and likes it very much. Ernie Hud­son likes the GB3 script to and he gave a release date for GB3 from Ivan Reit­man. On 10–20-09 Ernie Hud­son gave an inter­view and said that GB3 will be here On May 2011. He said from Ivan that film­ing will began next Fall of Sept.2010 for a May 2011 release. Get It? Ghost­busters 3 is hap­pen­ing. Every­one likes the GB3 script and Sony IS mak­ing a Ghost­busters 3 because it has already been announced from Sony Eariler this year. Think before you post AHOLE! Dan has said many engourg­ing things on T.V and he knows now that Ghost­busters 3 is hap­pen­ing because he said on larry King Live on 10–30-09 that 2 years ago Dan would of said no nut now he’s sure that GB3 will hap­pen because hesaid that it’s get­ting a lot closer then ever to make and he said that Sony IS excited to make GB3 along with the Fans and Larry King said Ghost­busters 3 is com­ing and Dan smiled and i have the Proof on tape so your a retard for say­ing that I’m a liar because I’m not you are GB 1984. What I found isn’t false so what you found is false because you made it up in your head so your a False per­son. The movie is hap­pen­ing because ernie said last week that GB3 is hap­pen­ing and May 2011 is there­lease of GB3 to arrive in The­aters. Ernie isn’t a liar and nei­ther am I. Back Off Prick!!! I read true Info. about GB3 you don’t! Ernie didn’t know what date yet but we will all know when GB3gets closer to The­aters. Told YA that I was right and you still won’t get it.

Suck­ing­Ball­sYumYum July 10th, 2010

Patrick, GB 1984 just told me that you have been send­ing him emails of your­self, with no shirt on. Why are you cheat­ing on me with other men? If you want me to marry you in Galt, in 2012, you bet­ter RESPECT me, and RESPECT our rela­tion­ship :(
Why do you flirt with so many men, baby??? I know you are Mildly Reatrded, but you are going to really get a grip on your FRUITINESS.
I LOVE you, and want you to be a bet­ter type of Bi-Sexual man.
Your fiancé

Suck­ing­Ball­sYumYum July 10th, 2010

I LOVE You, Patrick !!!
xox­oxo, your boyfriend

Suck­ing­Ball­sYumYum July 10th, 2010

Patrick, I am going to be HONORED when you put that ring on my fin­ger and kiss me!!!
wow, in front of your fam­ily, my fam­ily and ALL our friends and rel­a­tives. Then will be HUSBANDS, for­ever :)
I can’t believe how time flies, baby. It seems like just yes­ter­day, you got out of jail. And that was 5 years ago, WoW!!!
I LOVE YOU, Patrick >.<
Your Man, now & ALWAYS