Movie Chronicles » James Bond 23

Marc Foster unlikely to direct Bond 23 January 5th, 2009

In speak­ing with First Show­ing, the Quan­tum of Solace direc­tor, Marc Fos­ter, revealed that he is not keen on return­ing for the 23rd James Bond movie, despite an offer:

“They offered me the next one, but at this point the pres­sure is so intense — it’s a year of not hav­ing a life. And I don’t know if I want to do that again. It’s lit­er­ally not hav­ing a life, and I mean that, it’s not exag­ger­ated. I feel like life is short, you have to find a balance.”

Who should direct the next Bond movie?

Comments One Response to “Marc Foster unlikely to direct Bond 23”

Erik Bald­win­son September 30th, 2009

Time to get Mar­tin Camp­bell back on the scene, he nailed Casino Royale. Camp­bell would slam-dunk Bond 23.

Erik Bald­win­son
http://​www​.erik​bald​win​son​.blogspot​.com/ -