Movie Chronicles » Thor

Branagh comments on Thor movie inspiration June 4th, 2009

MTV caught up with Thor movie direc­tor Ken­neth Branagh to find out ‘the sto­ries and peo­ple’ inspir­ing the big screen adap­ta­tion. The film cre­ators have rav­aged the fifty year comic his­tory, and could bring plot ele­ments from any num­ber of places.

“I think that [’Thor’ sto­ries] go through golden patches and pur­ple patches and every­one has per­sonal favorites. […] The recent runs have been mar­velous. The J. Michael Straczyn­ski run has been a tremen­dous achievement.”

“But I’ve also been read­ing way back, read­ing clas­sic, vin­tage runs as well. […] There are many Thors and many accounts of the sto­ries across nearly 50 years of the comics. We look to raid from the best.”

“A lot of the job up to this point has been lis­ten­ing to peo­ple who know more and bet­ter than I. […] I have a very strong view of how to approach it myself, but I’m still lis­ten­ing and learn­ing hap­pily.”