Movie Chronicles » World of Warcraft Movie

Chris Metzen talks World of Warcraft Movie August 10th, 2009

Chris Met­zen, Blizzard’s VP of Cre­ative Devel­op­ment, has spo­ken with Game­Spy about the lat­est WOW Movie devel­op­ments — mainly Sam Raimi as direc­tor of the big screen adap­ta­tion. He dis­cusses Raimi’s ded­i­ca­tion to cre­at­ing faith­ful adap­ta­tions (he didn’t have full cre­ative con­trol in Spider-man 3) and his excite­ment at see­ing famil­iar places and char­ac­ters brought to the big screen.

Game­Spy: You’ve just made the big announce­ment that Sam Raimi will be direct­ing the War­craft movie. You’re co-producing, so what are your thoughts on the announcement?

Chris Met­zen: We’re all very, very excited about the announce­ment. We waited a long time to announce a direc­tor. We’ve been with Leg­endary for a num­ber of years and we’ve jammed a lot of ideas, and we’ve waited for the right per­son­al­i­ties, the right chem­istry to come together. We’re really, really stoked that it finally has. It’s pretty sur­real that we’ve finally made the announce­ment. It’s finally like, “It’s on, it’s offi­cial, here we go.” We’re just stoked to get it going and see this thing start­ing to take shape.

Game­Spy: Was Sam Raimi one of the orig­i­nally tar­geted directors?

Chris Met­zen: We talked about a lot of dif­fer­ent peo­ple, and cer­tainly his name was one of the first we had talked about. We’re all huge “Spider-Man” fans, and all of his hor­ror con­tent, like “Army of Dark­ness” is one of my per­sonal favorites. Sam’s one of those guys who came out swing­ing with “Spider-Man,” in terms of han­dling the licensed prod­uct and all the geeky fan­fare. The pas­sion of fan­dom, he really trans­lated that into some­thing that every­one could love, and had a lot of heart. And those were really impor­tant com­po­nents for us, in terms of trans­lat­ing a license, in build­ing a cin­e­matic expe­ri­ence that speaks to the license, but really sings to every­body. That was really, really impor­tant to us, so he was the per­fect partner.


Game­Spy: The fan base is rely­ing on you to ensure that the movie stays true to War­craft. Are you pre­pared to say that it will be?

Chris Met­zen: Absolutely! Absolutely.

Game­Spy: What most excites you about co-producing the movie?

Chris Met­zen: The thing that would excite me most is just that it trans­lates boldly. That it feels like a fan expe­ri­ence, and that a cou­ple years from now, you sit down in a the­ater and you’re like, “They did it. They got it. That feels gen­uine.” It may not be about your Level 12 Night Elf Hunter, specif­i­cally, but all the famil­iar­ity — the locales, the places, the char­ac­ters, the sto­ry­lines — it all feels con­tigu­ous and one-to-one with your expec­ta­tions. That’s my great hope.

Comments 3 Responses to “Chris Metzen talks World of Warcraft Movie”

logan smith October 5th, 2009

hi, my name is logan smith ive only just started play­ing world of war­craft well ive done about eight trial accounts lol and i cant get enough of it i love the game so much i cant stop play­ing it and ive got all my mates into it aswell i think the movie is going to be imense i cant wait im look­ing foward to the story line and to see all the charecters in action on the big screen lol i highly dought this movie would turn out to be poor and nuthing like the game like in final fan­tasy (fin­gers crossed) so good luck and im really look­ing forard to it

Thomas Warner February 15th, 2010

Ive played world of war­craft for a year now, my anniver­sary for begin­ning the game was christ­mas, i love the game, i have 2 lvl 80 char­ac­ters and more on the way. The story for WoW is ter­rific and usu­ally when theres a movie fol­low­ing an already layed out story it sucks, im going to pray that this movie stays true to the story, if it does it will break the box office. CAN’T WAIT TO SEE IT!

DARREN Mar­latt September 10th, 2010

Hey!!! Great POST! I’m going to tell every­one I know right now!