Movie Chronicles » Metal Gear Solid Movie

Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy April 16th, 2007

The first and most impor­tant thing to note: this video is fan made and is not in any way an offi­cial movie pro­duc­tion. Phil­an­thropy is a well organ­ised live action effort to pro­duce an MGS movie and this, the trailer for which, is the fruit of their offerings.

I have taken the time to include this movie here because it illus­trates the poten­tial that an offi­cial Hol­ly­wood live action adap­ta­tion can achieve, when such high stan­dard fan-made work can be cre­ated with the lowli­est of budgets.

“After a full year’s efforts, a year full of patience and growth, The Hive Divi­sion is happy to share with all of our Inter­net friends the first trailer of Phil­an­thropy. The project has been a part of our lives for more than four years, and in those four years, the aims that it rep­re­sents and the dreams that it embod­ies have grown along­side us.
This trailer is an exam­ple of what we want to share with all of you who have fol­lowed us until now, you who have aspired as we have, as film­mak­ers, as videogame fans, or as indi­vid­u­als fas­ci­nated by the poten­tial dig­i­tal tech­nol­ogy offers to any­one with a strong idea and a will brave enough to fol­low it.”

Comments 51 Responses to “Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy”

iConesque May 6th, 2007

Nicely realised piece of work. Good titling. I liked how the whole trailer focused on the dia­logue than just insert­ing flash­backs or stills from the games. The FX shots are neatly done, with the accom­pa­ny­ing sounds. It’s a sim­ple teaser (in Hol­ly­wood terms) and yet, it does leave the viewer want­ing more, which nowa­days are dif­fi­cult to achieve before a film is released. The back­drop is well-chosen and I love the whole desat­u­rated green­ish look that all MGS fans are famil­iar with. If this is a teaser, I can’t wait to see the full trailer. iConesque

solidlovers June 30th, 2007

wow…are you seri­ous that he’s going to be solid snake? can they just stick with 3D for humans in the movie? I’m sorry, every­thing else look cool…but they can’t act at all. They should ask pro­fes­sion­als to play in it and change the voice…

psy­cho­naut July 22nd, 2007

This movie is a very pro­fes­sion­aly made(as a fan movie, of course). The trailer has a good mood and the green­ish look is also good. Nice work.This fan movie will fill the wait­ing for the “real” Metal Gear Solid movie…;-)

Tim July 25th, 2007

This is ter­ri­ble. Why does Snake speak with a Russ­ian accent?

Black Bird August 1st, 2007

Looks pretty neat.
I seri­ously would have thought Eric Ban­ner (Black Hawk Down & The Hulk) would have made a really nice ‘Solid Snake’.
Any­ways good luck with the rest of the Project. I look for­ward to see­ing the movie.

psy­cho­naut August 11th, 2007

Hey Tim..that is not Russ­ian accent..the cre­ators are from Italy…

pop August 25th, 2007

That trailer should have added a point where only play­ers would know what he ment

greg August 30th, 2007

this is very bad and i say that because i cant swear. if any movie should be made, (which it shouldnt because its a vidoe game and leave it at that), it should be about shadow mosses. the mak­ers are only mak­ing this movie to help sell the new game. also dont make it real live action. it should be made like 300 or sin city so all the super­nat­ural themes can be shown bet­ter and not look lame. to use an exam­ple i mean psy­cho man­tis or that chick who cant die in sons of lib­erty. thats wat makes mgs cool and dif­fer­ent is that its an amry game crossed with fan­tasy. i was hop­ing for good things too guys but its really not that good.

DrAgOn_EyEz September 21st, 2007

hey there tim snake is not talk­ing by a russ­ian accent nor ital­ian and pop if u have played MGS b4 u wud know that when that ital­ian guy told him (whats in it 4 u) snake said (noth­ing) but he remem­berd meyrl and oto­can and they movie showed pix of his mem­o­ries and that shows that he is hav­ing a revenge for them and he is furi­ous about that so its obvi­ous that the movie has a rela­tion­ship with the game and spe­cialy MGS1 thats my opin­ion any­ways ;D

Ryson September 26th, 2007

Please, all of you who think this is the real movie…it’s FAN-MADE!! Mean­ing that fans made it…and it’s not the Hol­ly­wood one cur­rently in pro­duc­tion or pre-production…I swear, some peo­ple in this world.…

Alex October 8th, 2007

dude you guys did awsome on this video i cant wait to see the whole movie good work

Diego October 9th, 2007

I don´t know what your opin­ions might be, but have any of you seen either movie with Kurt Rus­sel titled ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK
or ESCAPE FROM LA , the character´s name is Snake, Snake Blitzkin, any­way I´m kinda stuck on the issue if either movie was based on a pre­vi­ous game of metal gear

Cob­web October 26th, 2007

in my opin­ion it would look good to a per­son who didnt know any­thing abount the MGS series.
how­ever, to a fan who would have a stronger opin­ion of it. would clearly be able to pick holes in it.

SOLID SNAKE November 4th, 2007

The cast for snake is suck, snake out­fit is suck, other than that is per­fect. Please, find another cast, and please redesign out­fit for snake. Hon­estly speak­ing i feel not the same feel­ing when i watch the trailer as i play the game. For the film to be suc­cess the “feel­ing” deliv­ered inside the movie must be the same as we play MGS.Please don spoiled it. Do some­thing to improve it. Please make this movie be remem­ber as the great­est METAL GEAR
SOLID film ever!!!

Klizzey November 28th, 2007

Hmm, idk, I think that Russ­ian accent spunked it up a bit, but hey.. it was only a trailer and that was what they had to work with. No accent and a totally dif­fer­ent per­son or a slight accent, but some­one who actu­ally resem­bles Snake.

Klizzey November 28th, 2007

Also, this is only a fan­made trailer. The real movie is going to be based around Shadow Mosses from what I have read and Marlyn Mansin or w/e is sup­posed to play Psy­cho Man­tis. This isn’t made to “SELL” the new game, it’s just some­thing a few fans cooked up and I think it’s pretty awsome. Don’t see you mak­ing better ^^.

Bocom January 6th, 2008

Peo­ple, PLEASE.

It’s a FAN-MADE teaser for a FAN-MADE film.

Mage­Monkies January 10th, 2008

First: repeat­ing what Ryson and Klizzey said for those peo­ple who obvi­ously didnt see them say it: ITS FAN-MADE!!!
Sec­ond: reply­ing to what Diego said: The char­ac­ter for Metal Gear was based on Snake Plis­skin from the John Car­pen­ter films
Third: Amaz­ing work, and i can’t wait to see the full thing, keep up the work guys. =D *clap clap*

Sniper-Viper January 21st, 2008

I’ve never read com­ments more stu­pid than these…
Russ­ian accent?
“the mak­ers are only mak­ing this movie to help sell the new game.”?
Shadow MosSes?
Snake Blitzkin? (sure, and Fred Durst too…)
Eric Ban­NER?
C’mon guys, there are a lot of thing to speak­ing about this trailer (pos­i­tive an neg­a­tive), just turn on you brain first, ok?

peter­diddy January 30th, 2008

ok first of all good work looked cool BUT ITS JUST IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE SNAKE COME ALIVE WITHOUT David Hayter … I realy wana see a Metal gear flim But Its Just gona Rub­bish With­out David hayters voice to make him come Alive.… METAL GEar MEGA FAN

Al March 16th, 2008

I think that the trailer spoof was bril­liant.
Just some­thing, I think that the Metal Gear was slightly… odd? I am not sure if this is the real thing.
French actors? Lol
I loved the spe­cial effects, I love the way bul­lets fly past and hit the back­ground and stuff.
I am extremely happy that Hideo Kojima did NOT give any per­mis­sions or rights to any big Hol­ly­wood pro­duc­ers, for I believe they could ruin it as well as the did to the Series of Unfor­tu­nate Events and other book-movies except Harry Pot­ter, that is ok.
Only a genius like Hideo could pull this sort of movie off.
I WILL watch it a hun­dred times… Then buy the spe­cial edi­tion DVD !

Raven March 18th, 2008

The trailer is ok for a fan-made and thanks for those who made the effort to do it.
About the real MGS movie,i agree that the actors shouldn’t be human so that they can rebuild all those that we loved in the game or else it’ll be just like the RESIDENT EVIL MOVIE.
they should do some­thing like the new RE DEGENERATION.
I want to fall in love with the movie just like i did in the game.


brad arands March 21st, 2008

the type-o above what *move­ment* sorry

This trailer is fuck­ing stu­pid. I watched it again I saw so many more things wrong with it. Thank god its profit-free.

I like how he stands in the open , “the kill zone” for so long look­ing than he turns and goes the other way!!!
I agree with what was said above too, his cos­tume is redicu­lous. If the film maker wants to do this jus­tice he should go back to the first metal gear, the one that got every­one addicted.
I hate the end­ing even more as they are walk­ing down the hall(despite they are commi bas­tards)
they arent even pulling secu­rity now.…..that doesn’t make much sense to me.


The Video game is based on a man who is a com­bat elit­ist, some­one who can take over entire struc­ture like ships and enemy com­pounds. Some­one who has never played the game or cares noth­ing for it should not have been the one to play the charc­ter because he looks some­what like him but because he under­stands snakes thoughts and is obsessed with the impor­tance of his life. Even if he doesn’t REALLY exist.

future March 25th, 2008

“I am extremely happy that Hideo Kojima did NOT give any per­mis­sions or rights to any big Hol­ly­wood producers”

Michael De Luca pro­ducer on Blade II, Zathura, Ghost Rider, Amer­i­can His­tory X, Rush Hour 2, Mag­no­lia etc…

Is pro­duc­ing a live action adap­ta­tion of MGS with the poss­bile sto­ry­line of Shadow Moses with Hideo Kojima as Exec­u­tive Pro­ducer, no screen­writer or prin­ci­ple actor as of yet, and the pos­si­ble inclu­sion of Equillibrium’s Kurt Wim­mer as direc­tor. How’s that for non Hol­ly­wood pro­duc­ers. Granted De Luca’s track record is spotty, Kurt Wimmer’s track record seems to con­sist of “he made one good movie”. Just give Kojima the damn director’s chair. BTW Kojima is NOT involved in the trailer you just watched so he’s not pulling off any­thing + all this infor­ma­tion can be found on the site you’re look­ing at. While I doubt your read­ing this right now, your com­ments aren’t very informed (there­fore igno­rant). The spe­cial effects weren’t that good, and this is NOT the kind of thing that’s going to have a spe­cial edi­tion. Your com­ments are way out of their ele­ment. I’m not insult­ing you though. I liked the video, but it’s not the real thing.

future March 25th, 2008

I meant to say unin­formed — as if you didn’t know.

I think that Josh Brolin could play a con­vinc­ing Solid Snake, mul­let and all.

PABB March 26th, 2008

Wow, you man­aged to get a Snake that knows how to act it, with­out being Japan­ese, so this > all other well done MGS fan movies with Japan­ese guys.

future March 26th, 2008

Wow I must have been tired. I cor­rected myself and I wasn’t wrong! And for those crit­i­ciz­ing the Ban­ner state­ment maybe they were just try­ing to humor­ously show the sim­i­lar­ity between the name of the actor and the char­ac­ter he played (Bruce Ban­ner) Ever think of that!?

djcenox March 28th, 2008

What to say… nice work… really, i was quite sad when i read not envolved with the movie devel­op­ment. But the actor of snake is’s the same!!!! Hope Hideo won’t make just and amer­i­can acion film, that don’t fol­low the his­tory of the game. To be hon­est i would like to see the film even if it’s really the same of the game, in real style would be so good.

Lord Doom April 6th, 2008

i never heard of this project but i think the snake actor.. isnt just right his eyes are pop­ping out to much to be snake.. his suit dosnt match.. the metal gear looks like crap.. and the pro­ducer or direc­tor who did judge dred that was a good movie in that time ‚ghost rider ‚blade 2 well i can tell you i didnt like the rest of those movies and also the tex­ture of the metal gear looks messed up it looks kind of flat no reflec­tion noth­ing and the budged looks poor espe­cially the actors no that they are not known.. but just.. their act­ing.. in this trailer the only thing that catches the eye is snake cause you see him sneak­ing
but the other actors dont really make a per­son­al­ity their like ghosts they dont have a story or a ground to stand on..

sorry for this but i played metal gear solid 1,2,3 i also fin­ished them al with stealth camoflage and stuf just cause i love the game but i can tell you this movie isnt going to be what i would like to see as a mgs fan mgs usu­ally takes a ani­mal com­bine some­thing to it and make a robot of it.. like rex sim­pel.. a t-rex but they made it like a mon­ster with almost same feet sort arms(rocket launch plat­forms) then you got the ray it’s like a liz­zard with a big tail , and in the thirth part you have the sha­ga­hood nog mutch gear in this but it’s a sick tank with jet ingine nukes machine guns really over sized and stuf like that *(one of the mgs i didnt like)*
but this one it’s a .. sorry i dont know.. looks like a half life fig­ure..
im not here to crack it down.. and yes this is the first time im here but im going to add it to my favs from now on just to see if there are more who agree

Greats lord doom

bran­don April 14th, 2008

that was stu­pid snake isn’t Russ­ian those guys where not bad actors but the where over act­ing i think if any 1 is should play snake then it should be David Hayter

Gray Fox April 19th, 2008

When does this awe­some movie come out?

Sec­ond MGS Phil­an­thropy trailer released (Metal Gear Solid — The Movie) April 27th, 2008

[…] Before we begin — this is a trailer for a fan made, directed and pro­duced movie “Phil­an­thropy”, it is not the offi­cial film, the pro­duc­tion qual­i­ties on this effort are far supe­rior to the major­ity of fan ded­i­ca­tions to be found on the net and this should be recog­nised. A lot of peo­ple mis­in­ter­preted the first trailer. […]

Ralyn Kelevra May 3rd, 2008

I LOVE IT!!!!! you guys did a great job and I say that not only as a BIG fan of MGS but as a per­son who loves the art of film.

Keep up the great work.

JakeStevens May 14th, 2008

Awe­some! just awesome.

Shane Daniels May 17th, 2008

I know it may take some time, but on the part where Snake has flash­back, i rea­con you should do those in real life too instead of using the game, that would make it awe­some. That new ver­sion of metal gear was good, but if you made it look at more like the pre­vi­ous ones id think it would look alot more like the game =) and add a cou­ple of char­ac­ters from the past MGS games like Meryl or even Ocelot…that would be amaz­ing. Over­all good movie dudes (and dudettes) keep up the good work :D

lone wolf June 19th, 2008

movie looks cool the actor even looks like him so cool trailer

lone wolf June 19th, 2008

it really would be cool to add game char­ac­ters ocelot the pain the end the boss basicly all the cobra unit

Onder July 4th, 2008

He doesn’t acu­tally have a russ­ian accent this is just fanmade!

crispy July 23rd, 2008

there are obvi­ously some retarded peo­ple on this site who can­not read, but back on topic this is actu­ally pretty sweet for a fan made film and i cant wait to see the final ver­sion keep up the good work guys

Vazza August 30th, 2008

The film itself looks ok for a fan movie but the act­ing is very poor and hardly any of the ten­sion or emo­tions are reflected on the screen. Nice set­ting and green tint though…

ThisSucks September 4th, 2008

Fan-made or not, it is a piece of shit. Ter­ri­ble act­ing, ter­ri­ble voice work, ter­ri­ble EVERYTHING. Piece of shit, just as bad as those wanna-be FF8 fan-made movies..failure on cam­era work. Burn in hell, watch it go. *pours gaso­line on it and lights match*

WRONGGGG September 5th, 2008


Haa­gen­Daz September 6th, 2008

Before I began, I would like to say that any­one who is slam­ming this trailer are igno­rant, or just plain dumb-asses. If they would’ve read the descrip­tion at the top, they would’ve real­ized that this ISN’T actu­ally the trailer for the ACTUAL movie that’s still in devel­op­ment. It’s a low-budget, fan-made trailer, which would OBVIOUSLY explain the some­what shab­bi­ness of it. And the peo­ple who still put this down, even know­ing what it really is, are obvi­ously unap­pre­cia­tive of indie film-making, and have no real taste in film, minus your generic, Box Office Smash­ing pieces of shit.

Now, with that said, this is actu­ally a awe­some piece of work, being what it is. I mean, yeah, it’s not like “Super Amaz­ing”, but it’s one of the best low-budget things I’ve ever viewed so far. The effects, ani­ma­tion, and cam­era angles/shots are above mediocre, at best. Act­ing, could be bet­ter, but at least there isn’t a enough of it to let down the entire piece as a whole. Cos­tumes, are pretty decent. Although, I won­der why Snake kept his J.G. Pliskin Uni­form from MGS2, unless the mak­ers designed a vari­ant of it.

Over­all, this is above decent attempt by devoted fans of the MGS series. May they con­tinue their labors in stride with success.

Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy September 10th, 2008

The project has failed.
It will not be done in 2008–2067
Also we have can­celed the film­ing because we are a lame com­pany who are work­ing 4years on this crap, and the chil­dren next door got a bet­ter movie then us.
Called how to be emo.
We made the metal gear have two legs so it would not walk to far so we wouldn’t need to make big scene’s with it.
We noticed after putting $300 in it that camera’s are expen­sive and that this is going to be a expen­sive project of at least $500
we also noticed that we don’t have the money to ever launch it world wide.
But till that time we will keep rock­ing this 5 min Trailer (10 min work) with our huge hits a day :D like.. 25

Almost 900 com­ments and 600 FLAMES so we give up and ask Phillips our money back from the camera’s.
This was our project called “THE FAILURE”

Sama-El September 19th, 2008

This is a non-profit fan-made movie, it will be realeased on the iner­net by win­ter 2008, the offi­cial page is:


There is also a fan group on facebook:


GhXst October 18th, 2008

ima watch the movie3 cuz i love metal gear…but i do not like the trailer…i think it would of bn bet­ter if it sticked to the game mgs 1…that was really kool and fol­lowed up through mgs 4…and metal gear loox fake…n the dia­logue seems alot more talk­ing than action

Isaac Owens November 12th, 2008


Snake Jr July 6th, 2009

omg this is fan made, thats amaz­ing when it first whent on i thought it was the real thing and i only realised it was fan made when i looked at the com­ments great job i look foward to see­ing how you guyse por­tray snakes charec­tor in this new plot witch i assume you guyse made your­self quite a risky move but i think by the look of the teaser its going to do quite well, i pre­dict a mil­lon veiws in the first 4 weeks

MGS4 OWNS MUXH September 8th, 2009

snake shouldnt have an accent, it should be the voice of david hayter, metal gear won’t be the same if his voice is different.

MGS GUY October 4th, 2009

this seems good nut i think they should put acors that look like the char­ac­ters in the game though… but over all its good

just dont kill it

half a snake November 23rd, 2010

It would be great if they’ll make a movie out of MGS3… for me that’s the most dra­matic MGS i’ve ever played :)