Movie Chronicles

Michael Bay talks to TV Guide April 26th, 2009

The fea­ture, clearly strapped for footage as it shows the same scenes twice in under thirty sec­onds (and up to three times in two min­utes), gives an overview of the sequel whilst giv­ing Bay some time to explain how the robots have evolved. He also throws a dig at Cameron’s Avatar, sug­gest­ing that 3D is a gimmick.

Chromia, Megatron, Dune Runner video reviews April 26th, 2009

Reg­u­lar Trans­form­ers toy reviewer Peaugh is back with three more videos, this time for the Deluxe Chro­mia, Leader class Mega­tron and Scout class Dune Run­ner toys.

Whether Chro­mia com­bines with Arcee is still ques­tion­able, there are some extra unused parts included with Chro­mia which sug­gest the slight possibility.

Steve Jablonsky and Linkin Park April 26th, 2009

Michael Bay recently noted that Steve Jablon­sky and Linkin Park were work­ing on the Trans­form­ers 2 score. Jablon­sky scored the first movie and Linkin Park also appeared on that film’s offi­cial soundtrack.

BREAKING NEWS: Linkin Park will be work­ing on the score for Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen.

Although I wasn’t at lib­erty to say it before, the song I’ve been ref­er­enc­ing here on mikeshin​oda​.com in the past few weeks…is actu­ally being done for Michael Bay’s new Trans­form­ers film, due out June 24th.

In addition–and prob­a­bly ever cooler–we have been offered the unique oppor­tu­nity to help score the film. The song we wrote is being used as one of the themes, and we will be writ­ing var­i­ous inter­po­la­tions on that theme, and try­ing out some other the­matic ideas as part of the (very large) team scor­ing the film.
My band­mates and I are work­ing with award-winning film com­poser (and res­i­dent ass-kicker) Hans Zim­mer. We met with Hans last week, and heard some of the incred­i­ble things he and his guys have done with our new song. In the next few days, we’ll be doing some work with Hans’ amaz­ing writ­ing and record­ing crew.

Michael Bay has shown us select scenes from the film, and it looks incred­i­ble. I can’t wait for you to see it.

First look at Ravage toy April 26th, 2009

The toy isn’t yet in the hands of review­ers and Trans­form­ers sleuths, but an appear­ances has been made on the side of another Toy’s box. The deluxe class toy fea­tures two weapons pro­trud­ing from its rear back:

Universal puts BioShock adaptation on hold April 26th, 2009

Just a cou­ple of weeks after we heard the encour­ag­ing Gore Verbin­ski news we receive a bomb-shell from Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios. It appears that the bud­get for the under­wa­ter fea­ture has been spi­ral­ing out of con­trol, reach­ing val­ues around $160m, and in a move to cut costs (to say $100m) a num­ber of pro­duc­tion staff have been let go. Other mea­sures include scout­ing for cheaper film­ing loca­tions, e.g. London.

Verbin­ski states,

“We were asked by Uni­ver­sal to move the film out­side the U.S. to take advan­tage of a tax credit. […] We are eval­u­at­ing whether this is some­thing we want to do. In the mean­time, the film is in a hold­ing pattern.”

Both the game and movie stu­dios vow that this will not descend into another Halo movie fiasco which has seen pro­duc­tion indef­i­nitely halted.

New trailer to debut with Transformers 1, 29th April April 24th, 2009

The new Revenge of the Fallen trailer shall pre­mière with a re-release of the first Trans­form­ers movie, across 20 loca­tions (five of those being in IMAX) on April 29th. Ticket details are not yet avail­able, but we should hear about those within the next cou­ple of days.

Los Ange­les: 7pm at The Bridge Cin­ema De Lux, in IMAX
New York: 8pm at AMC Loews Lin­coln Square in IMAX
San Fran­cisco: 7pm at AMC Metreon in IMAX
Chicago: 8pm at Navy Pier in IMAX
Toronto: 7pm at Sco­tia­bank in IMAX
Philadel­phia: 7pm at UA King of Prus­sia in DIGITAL
Wash­ing­ton DC: 7pm at AMC George­town in DIGITAL
Dal­las: 7pm at Cin­e­mark Movies 17 in 35MM
Boston: 7pm at AMC Boston Com­mon in 35MM
Phoenix: 7pm at Harkins Tempe Mar­ket­place in Tempe in DIGITAL
Seat­tle: 7pm at Cin­erama in 35MM
Atlanta: 7pm at Regal Atlantic Sta­tion in 35MM
Miami: 7pm at AMC Sun­set in South Miami in 35MM
Detroit: 7pm ar Emag­ine Novi in Novi, MI in DIGITAL
San Diego: 7pm at Regal Edwards Mira Mesa in 35MM
Den­ver: 7pm at UA Col­orado Cen­ter in 35MM
Sacra­mento: 7pm at UA Mar­ket Square in 35MM
Orlando: 7pm at Pre­mière Fash­ion Sq Mall in DIGITAL
Min­neapo­lis: 7pm at AMC South­dale in Edina in 35MM
Bal­ti­more: 7pm at AMC White Marsh in 35MM

Robot Replicas on eBay: The Fallen, Sideswipe, Jetfire, Megatron, Skids April 23rd, 2009

Four new Revenge of the Fallen robot repli­cas are now on eBay via seller gojulasprime23 with five days left on the auc­tions. This is our first look at The Fallen, Mega­tron, Side­swipe, Jet­fire and Skids robot replica models.

The Fallen Robot Replica

View the eBay auction

Side­swipe Robot Replica

View the eBay auction

Jet­fire Robot Replica

View the eBay auction

Mega­tron Robot Replica

View the eBay auction

Skids Robot Replica

View the eBay auction

More Character Bios and Toy Packages April 23rd, 2009

Deluxe Can­non Bumblebee

After the Bat­tle of Mis­sion City, and the dis­cov­ery of new Decep­ti­cons on Earth, Bum­ble­bee decided to upgrade as many of his sys­tems as he could. With the help of Auto­bot Ratchet, he added some human mis­sile launch­ers to his arse­nal, and mod­i­fied his vehi­cle mode to make his weapons acces­si­ble. He was caught off-gaurd too many times the Decep­ti­cons. Now when they come around he’ll be ready.

Deluxe Inter­roga­tor Barricade

Repaired and retro­fit­ted after the Bat­tle of Mis­sion City, Bar­ri­cade elected to remain on Earth while Starscream returned to Cybertron. He has devoted his time on Earth gath­er­ing intel­li­gence for the inevitable rise of the Decep­ti­cons. He stalks and cap­tures impor­tant humans, then scans, inter­ro­gates and dis­poses of his cap­tives using the highly sen­si­tive proves built into his vehi­cle mode.

Deluxe Smoke­screen

Accord­ing to Smoke­screen, the only good Decep­ti­con is a totally con­fused one. He does his best to make sure that the Decep­ti­cons never know what his team­mates are up to. He’s per­fected the art of cre­at­ing diver­sions, using traps, holo­grams, and strate­gi­cally placed explo­sives. When all else fails, he uses him­self as bait, often rac­ing right through a group of enemy robots to dis­tract them.

Deluxe Mud­flap

View the eBay auc­tion — cur­rently at $88

Young but eager, Mud­flap has wanted to be a full-fledged war­rior under the com­mand of Opti­mus Prime for as long as he can remem­ber. He and his twin brother Auto­bot Skids trav­eled for years to Earth, just in the hopes of join­ing up with their idol. Being on Earth with Opti­mus Prime and the other heroes of the Great War is a dream come true.

Skids and Mud­flap FAB

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