Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Ice Cream truck and Arcee video reviews June 17th, 2009

As expected, the toy video reviews for the Mud­flap & Skids Ice Cream truck and the red Arcee motor­cy­cle have been posted by Peaugh. These two toys rep­re­sent the full scale of the Trans­form­ers 2 toy line — from awe­some must buy to the strange and odd (and ulti­mately pass).

Ice Cream truck


Deluxe Arcee and Jolt toy pictures June 14th, 2009

More Trans­form­ers 2 toy news for you, this time via ACToys and TF08. More shots of Arcee in robot mode, alt mode and in pack­ag­ing. As well as the Deluxe class Jolt, once again in robot and alt mode.



Skids and Mudflap in Ice Cream truck toy June 14th, 2009

After a short wait, TF08 have posted their gallery of Skids and Mud­flap in their Deluxe class Ice Cream truck mode. This is one of the best Revenge of the Fallen toys. Now we await the video review.

Human Alliance Bumblebee video review June 11th, 2009

A two part review of the Bum­ble­bee fig­ure that comes with its own Sam Witwicky fig­ure. The videos detail the trans­for­ma­tion in painstak­ing detail. Thanks to YouTube user lilbrooksy911.

Weekend Transformers 2 news round-up June 7th, 2009

Lots of small Revenge of the Fallen press arti­cles and news bits are com­ing out every day now as we ramp up for the movies release. Time for a summary.

TF2 cut complete

This Fri­day actors viewed the fruits of their efforts, as reports Tyrese on his twit­ter:

What is gonna be the best part of your Fri­day?? I’m gonna go first. Today @3pm me ; the cast are gonna see the final cut of Trans­former 2!!

Chevy Camaro commercial

GM have started air­ing a new Chevy Camaro com­meri­cial that fea­tures Bum­ble­bee and a slither of new footage.

Toy news

New Blaze Mas­ter pic­tures (view gallery)
Deluxe Jolt pic­tures (view gallery)
Deluxe Stalker Scor­ponok pic­tures (view gallery)
Power Bots Side­swipe (view gallery)

Twins Ice Cream Truck Toy

The first pic­tures of this toy in the wild:

Michael Bay talks to Forbes

Bay has been talk­ing money with Forbes — inter­est­ing facts from the inter­view; Bay takes approx­i­mately 8% of prof­its from toys based on the movies. As a pro­ducer Bay brings in an aver­age 8% of a film’s net earn­ings. Bay also made a whop­ping $40m from the atro­cious Pearl Har­bor movie.

Trans­form­ers 2 contests

The Van­cou­ver Province news­pa­per are offer­ing two passes to a Revenge of the Fallen screen­ing two days prior to release, posters and video games for run­ners up. View con­test

Total Assault are giv­ing away a Linkin Park and Trans­form­ers 2 themed gui­tar. View con­test (Thanks Deanna!)

More video game footage from E3

New Divide Mak­ing of

Shia & TF2 secrets

Talk­ing with Yahoo movies, about injuries on and off set:

“He hurts his hand in the mid­dle of a human trans­fer,” LaBeouf explains cryp­ti­cally. “Sorry this is so mys­te­ri­ous. There’s just cer­tain words I can’t say.”

“Revenge of the Fallen” begins with LaBeouf’s char­ac­ter, Sam Witwicky, head­ing off to col­lege to dis­tance him­self from his shape-shifting robot friends. Sam’s beloved Camaro, which trans­forms into Bum­ble­bee, sits in the garage “sort of like his (parole offi­cer), his guardian,” LaBeouf said dur­ing a recent interview.

While at school, Sam starts see­ing sym­bols through “epilep­tic seizure-type fits of infor­ma­tion trans­fer,” LaBeouf said. “He just becomes a fac­tual vol­cano.” The sym­bols form a map to an energy source the robots need to con­trol sen­tient beings, LaBeouf said.

The actor becomes vis­i­bly excited when talk­ing about “Trans­form­ers,” his slight frame buzzing in a button-down shirt and skinny black tie. His left hand is wrapped in gauze, with a splint prop­ping up one fin­ger. “It’s like 11 days out of surgery,” he said, refer­ring to a pro­ce­dure to remove screws that sta­bi­lized his dig­its after the acci­dent. “It’s not bro­ken, but it’s newly not-broken,” LaBeouf said.

“There’s far more stunts this time,” he said. “Aside from the fact that I was mak­ing the whole movie with a bro­ken hand, my knee has stitches, my eye had stitches, my back was gouged.”

Dur­ing one scene, LaBeouf said he “lit­er­ally stabbed myself in the eye” and had to be treated at a mil­i­tary hos­pi­tal. Though credit may be due for tough­ness, it’s LaBeouf’s nat­ural warmth that makes him per­fect to play Sam, the film’s screen­writ­ers say.

Further toy galleries — Ejector & Arcee June 1st, 2009


The crazed toaster that trans­form­ers into some mani­a­cal brain­less pest has been pho­tographed in detail by yayabee.


TF08 are back with more toy shots, this time its Arcee in a par­tic­u­larly strange pose:

Devastator Legends class toy in the wild June 1st, 2009

The leg­ends class Dev­as­ta­tor toy, in which seven vehi­cles, each with their own robot modes, com­bine to form one large robot, has been spot­ted in the wild. The pic­ture shows the com­bined form of the beast as well as indi­vid­ual parts; some of the boxes for the toys can be seen behind.

Legends class Devastator pics, Overload in detail May 28th, 2009

A few more pic­tures of the Leg­ends class Dev­as­ta­tor toy have sur­faced via ACToys, this is the ver­sion that com­bines seven vehi­cles into one robot, as well as each vehi­cle hav­ing its own robot mode. This also our first good look at Over­load that bears some resem­blance to Long Haul.

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