Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

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Lonely Robot, Dirty Mind — Decepticon T-shirt October 11th, 2009

Thread­less have posted an awe­some new Decep­ti­con T-shirt,

Transformers movie-props auction next month September 23rd, 2009

They’re sell­ing the 17 foot Bum­ble­bee model, at auc­tion it is expected to fetch up to $80,000. Along­side him will be a num­ber of Megan Fox out­fits and over 100 props from the Trans­form­ers movies. Bids can be made over the inter­net or phone via Pro­files in His­tory.

Auc­tion­eer Pro­files in His­tory said it expected the 3,200 pound (1.45 ton) Hero Bum­ble­bee robot from the first movie in 2007 to fetch $60,000 to $80,000 at the Oct 8–9 auction.

The motor­cy­cle cos­tume worn by Fox as Mikaela Banes in the block­buster 2009 sequel “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen”, along with her shorts and tank top, have an esti­mate of $3,000 to $5,000.

Joe Mad­dalena, pres­i­dent of Pro­files in His­tory, said any­thing worn by Fox was in great demand by collectors.

“‘Trans­form­ers’ made her a star and I expect her cos­tumes to per­form very well at auc­tion. The 17-foot Bum­ble­bee robot speaks for itself … it’s such an amaz­ing spec­ta­cle and a pop cul­ture icon that I expect bid­ders to go crazy,” Mad­dalena said.

Bids can be placed in per­son at the auc­tion in Cal­abasas, out­side Los Ange­les, by phone or live on the Internet.

Ice Cream truck and Arcee video reviews June 17th, 2009

As expected, the toy video reviews for the Mud­flap & Skids Ice Cream truck and the red Arcee motor­cy­cle have been posted by Peaugh. These two toys rep­re­sent the full scale of the Trans­form­ers 2 toy line — from awe­some must buy to the strange and odd (and ulti­mately pass).

Ice Cream truck


Deluxe Arcee and Jolt toy pictures June 14th, 2009

More Trans­form­ers 2 toy news for you, this time via ACToys and TF08. More shots of Arcee in robot mode, alt mode and in pack­ag­ing. As well as the Deluxe class Jolt, once again in robot and alt mode.



Skids and Mudflap in Ice Cream truck toy June 14th, 2009

After a short wait, TF08 have posted their gallery of Skids and Mud­flap in their Deluxe class Ice Cream truck mode. This is one of the best Revenge of the Fallen toys. Now we await the video review.

Transformers 2 t-shirts and US Première contest at Hot Topic June 11th, 2009

Hot Topic are sell­ing a range of Trans­form­ers mer­chan­dise to coin­cide with the movie’s release. A lot of the cloth­ing fea­tures car­toon char­ac­ters, rather than opt­ing to use the fig­ures from the movies. To mark the occa­sion, they have a con­test to win tick­ets to the US Pre­mière of Revenge of the Fallen on June 22nd.

Con­test to win tick­ets to US Pre­mière, June 22nd

One Grand prize win­ner will receive:

# Two (2) Round-Trip Air­fare Tick­ets
# Hotel Acco­mo­da­tions, One (1) Room for Two (2) Nights
# Two (2) Tick­ets to the pre­mière of Trans­form­ers: Revenge of The Fallen!

Enter the Trans­form­ers Con­test


I’ve included some of the best shirts below, avail­able for $19 each at the moment. Click the images below or view all the Hot Topic gear. I par­tic­u­larly like the Free­dom shirt:

Transformers Optimus Prime Freedom T-Shirt

Transformers Decepticon Tank Top

Transformers Bumblebee Galaxy T-Shirt

Human Alliance Bumblebee video review June 11th, 2009

A two part review of the Bum­ble­bee fig­ure that comes with its own Sam Witwicky fig­ure. The videos detail the trans­for­ma­tion in painstak­ing detail. Thanks to YouTube user lilbrooksy911.

Weekend Transformers 2 news round-up June 7th, 2009

Lots of small Revenge of the Fallen press arti­cles and news bits are com­ing out every day now as we ramp up for the movies release. Time for a summary.

TF2 cut complete

This Fri­day actors viewed the fruits of their efforts, as reports Tyrese on his twit­ter:

What is gonna be the best part of your Fri­day?? I’m gonna go first. Today @3pm me ; the cast are gonna see the final cut of Trans­former 2!!

Chevy Camaro commercial

GM have started air­ing a new Chevy Camaro com­meri­cial that fea­tures Bum­ble­bee and a slither of new footage.

Toy news

New Blaze Mas­ter pic­tures (view gallery)
Deluxe Jolt pic­tures (view gallery)
Deluxe Stalker Scor­ponok pic­tures (view gallery)
Power Bots Side­swipe (view gallery)

Twins Ice Cream Truck Toy

The first pic­tures of this toy in the wild:

Michael Bay talks to Forbes

Bay has been talk­ing money with Forbes — inter­est­ing facts from the inter­view; Bay takes approx­i­mately 8% of prof­its from toys based on the movies. As a pro­ducer Bay brings in an aver­age 8% of a film’s net earn­ings. Bay also made a whop­ping $40m from the atro­cious Pearl Har­bor movie.

Trans­form­ers 2 contests

The Van­cou­ver Province news­pa­per are offer­ing two passes to a Revenge of the Fallen screen­ing two days prior to release, posters and video games for run­ners up. View con­test

Total Assault are giv­ing away a Linkin Park and Trans­form­ers 2 themed gui­tar. View con­test (Thanks Deanna!)

More video game footage from E3

New Divide Mak­ing of

Shia & TF2 secrets

Talk­ing with Yahoo movies, about injuries on and off set:

“He hurts his hand in the mid­dle of a human trans­fer,” LaBeouf explains cryp­ti­cally. “Sorry this is so mys­te­ri­ous. There’s just cer­tain words I can’t say.”

“Revenge of the Fallen” begins with LaBeouf’s char­ac­ter, Sam Witwicky, head­ing off to col­lege to dis­tance him­self from his shape-shifting robot friends. Sam’s beloved Camaro, which trans­forms into Bum­ble­bee, sits in the garage “sort of like his (parole offi­cer), his guardian,” LaBeouf said dur­ing a recent interview.

While at school, Sam starts see­ing sym­bols through “epilep­tic seizure-type fits of infor­ma­tion trans­fer,” LaBeouf said. “He just becomes a fac­tual vol­cano.” The sym­bols form a map to an energy source the robots need to con­trol sen­tient beings, LaBeouf said.

The actor becomes vis­i­bly excited when talk­ing about “Trans­form­ers,” his slight frame buzzing in a button-down shirt and skinny black tie. His left hand is wrapped in gauze, with a splint prop­ping up one fin­ger. “It’s like 11 days out of surgery,” he said, refer­ring to a pro­ce­dure to remove screws that sta­bi­lized his dig­its after the acci­dent. “It’s not bro­ken, but it’s newly not-broken,” LaBeouf said.

“There’s far more stunts this time,” he said. “Aside from the fact that I was mak­ing the whole movie with a bro­ken hand, my knee has stitches, my eye had stitches, my back was gouged.”

Dur­ing one scene, LaBeouf said he “lit­er­ally stabbed myself in the eye” and had to be treated at a mil­i­tary hos­pi­tal. Though credit may be due for tough­ness, it’s LaBeouf’s nat­ural warmth that makes him per­fect to play Sam, the film’s screen­writ­ers say.

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