Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Alan Tudyk’s character revealed August 5th, 2010

Alan Tudyk (Fire­fly, Doll­house) has revealed a few details about his new Trans­form­ers 3 role to “From Hol­ly­wood with Love”:

“John Turturro’s char­ac­ter, who has been in the other two movies, Agent Sim­mons. I’m a fel­low agent of his that is sort of his assis­tant and weapons expert, com­puter hacker, cyber sleuth.”

This con­firms Tudyk will have a human role.

Skids and Mudflaps arguing twins, Turturro to voice Jetfire? March 17th, 2009

A reader at the Shoot for the Edit forums has posted a trans­la­tion of a French TF2 arti­cle that con­tains some spoil­ers. Specif­i­cally it appears to reveal the start and end of the movie in a very vague man­ner, before out­lin­ing a few scenes involv­ing Shia, Bum­ble­bee, Skids and Mud­flaps and Agent Sim­mons, John Tur­turro. The mag­a­zine sug­gests that Tur­turro also voices an old Trans­former that loses parts with every move — undoubt­edly this is Jet­fire, whilst Bay out­lines his thoughts on the bick­er­ing twins which come across like some sort of mechan­i­cal jar jar binks.

Set: Egypt, in front of Kheops Pyra­mid, stands an ancient 30’s palace built for King Faruk’s guests.

At “Action”, Shia runs through the yard, stops at the doorstep and hits the door with his shoul­der. Megan Fox, John Tur­turro and Ramon Rodriguez come next and hurry inside the building.

Shia heads up, shout a few words at an imag­i­nary Bum­ble­bee, and gets in. Three cars, the Camaro, the red TRAX and the green BEAT, start quickly and stop a bit fur­ther away to look out. The three vehi­cles are dri­ven by black-suited (and thereby “invis­i­ble”) stunt­men behind the smoked glass.

At the end of the day, the crew moves to the third and small­est pyra­mid, Myk­eri­nos. John Tur­turro, back as always angry agent Sim­mons, has to climb up a few stones. This hasn’t been done for 30 years: Too many acci­dent occurred and Egyp­tians had for­bid­den it. Tur­turro will try to run from an imag­i­nary Decepticon.

Michael Bay says: “I had the idea of these two stu­pid Trans­form­ers, Skids and Mud­flap. They’re twins who can’t stop bick­er­ing, but they do heroic things at the begin­ning of the movie.

Bum­ble­bee, on his side, has become more seri­ous. He doesn’t want to leave Sam’s par­ents’ garage. There is also an old Trans­former, who loses screws and bolts at every move. And it’s John Tur­turro voic­ing him.”

The movie will start at Gyzeh, Egypt, long before pyra­mids were built, and will end at the same place nowa­days, with a huge fight between Auto­bots and Decepticons.

It’s said that we’ll learn in the movie how pyra­mids were built. Does it involve any Transformer?

Frank Welker to voice Soundwave? March 10th, 2009

A dis­cus­sion over at Michael Bay’s forums, “Shoot for the edit” started after an inter­view between Frank Welker and TFW2005 was posted by a fan, along with a plea to the direc­tor, specifically:

TFW: Have you been approached at all for any fur­ther work with the fran­chise, either with the movie (Sound­wave?) or another incar­na­tion, such as Trans­form­ers: Ani­mated?
Welker: Well it is a lit­tle too early to be spe­cific but I will say yes and no. No, I have not been approached by the movie folks but yes I am still involved in the franchise…more on that later.

Michael, I can under­stand your choice in terms of Mega­tron, and I know you’re prob­a­bly ready to mur­der the next guy who brings up the topic of orig­i­nal voice actors…but please, please allow Frank a shot at Soundwave’s voice. I’m risk­ing get­ting banned by Nel­son (again) just to ask. His par­tic­i­pa­tion in the fran­chise really does mean that much to a load of fans out there.

I swear this is the last time I will ever bring this sub­ject up until the movie’s release.

To which Michael Bay responded positively:

I think I’m going to pur­sue Frank on Sound­wave.

For those not in the know, Frank Welker voiced both Mega­tron and Sound­wave in the orig­i­nal ani­mated series, he also reprized his role as Mega­tron for the recent video game.

Princeton Casting Call June 20th, 2008

Heery Cast­ing are back with a call for the Prince­ton shoot:

Needed are union and Non-Union back­ground men and women, ages 18–24 — must LOOK COLLEGE AGE, all eth­nic­i­ties, for scenes set in Prince­ton NJ. Shoot­ing will take place in June 2008.

No act­ing expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary; both SAG and non-union tal­ent will be con­sid­ered. All roles are paid positions.

Please sub­mit a CURRENT pic­ture of your­self to:

Your photo must be in .jpg format.

NO phone calls please.

The Jonah Hill story June 17th, 2008

IESB have posted some back­story to the attach­ment and unat­tach­ment of Super­bad star, Jonah Hill:

You know how Jonah Hill was attached to TRANSFORMERS 2, and then was sud­denly and with­out expla­na­tion un-attached? Appar­ently, Jonah was more or less offered the part in the room, but then had to go into Bay’s office to read the script — because it’s so super top secret and the plot is so extra-specially com­plex, you know.

Jonah sits down, opens the script. The char­ac­ter of the chubby side­kick is named “Jonah.” How per­fect. Jonah reads 20 pages of the script, puts it down, and silently walks out of the room. Wants no part of it. Next thing you know, his reps call Bay, he’s off the project.

I’m think­ing this may be because the chubby side­kick char­ac­ter was just too stereo­typ­i­cal with a whole host of ter­ri­ble one lin­ers and very lit­tle depth. Last thing you want to do is get typecast.

Matthew Marsden cast as “Graham” June 6th, 2008

MTV report that Matthew Mars­den (Black Hawk Down), has been cast as a mem­ber of the British Spe­cial Forces.

Mars­den has been cast in the role of “Gra­ham,” a char­ac­ter who is part of the British Spe­cial Forces. Although the film’s plot is being kept under the tight­est veils of secrecy, it is known that the flick will depict an even more worldly bat­tle than the first “Trans­form­ers” film, and will shoot all over the globe. In the sequel, Gra­ham teams with Duhamel and Tyrese’s mil­i­tary char­ac­ters, join­ing their efforts as they do bat­tle with the evil Decepticons.

Matthew Marsden cast in Transformers 2

Rainn Wilson cast as University Professor June 5th, 2008

MTV have revealed that The Office star, Rainn Wil­son, will be play­ing a Uni­ver­sity Pro­fes­sor in Trans­form­ers 2:

“I play a col­lege pro­fes­sor,” he told MTV before jok­ingly adding, “that turns into a robot, and turns into a car.”

Casting Calls for TF2 June 5th, 2008

Via Movie Hole:

Sounds like those robots-in-disguise might be chas­ing down some bikers?

A cast­ing call just arrived in my inbox adver­tis­ing for a “female motor­cy­cle rider” to do a days work on “Transformers”.

This “Very Attrac­tive Female Actor Under 30 Years Old” must “have exten­sive experience/training in rid­ing motorcycles”.

The actress would be a day-player.

Via Heery Cast­ing:

Lit­tle Per­son needed for “Trans­form­ers 2″
We are look­ing for a Male Lit­tle Per­son , age 30–65, any eth­nic­ity, for a fea­tured role in the Dream­works pro­duc­tion of “Trans­form­ers 2.“
Shoot­ing will be in the Philadel­phia area in the month of June.
This is a fea­tured role, we will see both SAG and non-SAG for this. (We will waiver for this)

If inter­ested and avail­able, please send a CANDID pic­ture of your­self (not a head­shot) to:
Please attach the pic­ture as a .jpg and put “Lit­tle per­son” in the sub­ject line.

No Phone calls please.
May 30 2008

If you missed the open call for TRANSFORMERS 2, you may still sub­mit a picture.

Needed are union and Non-Union back­ground men and women, ages 18–70, all eth­nic­i­ties, for scenes set in Philadel­phia PA, and Prince­ton NJ. Shoot­ing will take place in June 2008.

Col­lege age men and women are espe­cially needed. No act­ing expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary; both SAG and non-union tal­ent will be con­sid­ered. All roles are paid positions.

Please sub­mit a CURRENT pic­ture of your­self to: tr2​philadelphia@​gmail.​com
Your photo must be in .jpg for­mat.
If your head­shot is older than one year, do NOT send it. Instead, send a recent snap­shot — that has you alone in the pic­ture – a close-up is pre­ferred (no party pic­tures hold­ing a beer…)
Your pic­ture must be attached as a “.jpeg” file.
Be sure to include all con­tact infor­ma­tion, height and weight and SAG num­ber (if you have one) in the body of the e-mail.

Please state if you are avail­able for Philadel­phia and/or Prince­ton.
NO phone calls please.
May 23 2008

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