Movie Chronicles » RoboCop

An ‘R’ rated Robocop reboot January 5th, 2009

Fol­low­ing the Aronof­sky announce­ment MTV caught up with the pro­duc­ers Brad Fis­cher and Mike Medavoy to answer the rush of new questions.


When quizzed about the fourth Robo­cop movie’s inte­gra­tion into the exist­ing uni­verse the pro­duc­ers stated:

“None of [the ear­lier films are] going to be canon­i­cal, as a mat­ter of fact,” Fis­cher revealed. “I wouldn’t say it’s a direct sequel.“
“Def­i­nitely not a sequel,” Medavoy added, say­ing he pre­ferred the term “reimagining.”

Why make a new movie?

But why a “Robo­cop” reboot at all? Medavoy, who worked on the ear­lier three films, said it’s because the themes explored in the first film, of fad­ing human­ity in the face of cor­po­rate and com­mer­cial omnipres­ence, have only become more rel­e­vant in the inter­ven­ing 15 years.

“The themes of machines and tech­nol­ogy, for instance, that’s cer­tainly become even more preva­lent today in terms of man giv­ing up cer­tain things to his cre­ations and his tech­nol­ogy and his reliance to that. It’s pretty provoca­tive stuff,” he said. “You’ve got peo­ple today with all kinds of dif­fer­ent implants and mechan­i­cal implants. Where does that per­son become no longer human? After the first one? After 50 per­cent of the brain gets replaced? A lot of the themes that we dealt with in the orig­i­nal are still very inter­est­ing to us.”


So many remakes and sequels have been dumbed down to a younger audi­ence, there’s a big fear that the new Robo­cop movie may be bun­dled into the PG-13 group with all the nitty-gritty-grind-n-gore cut out. This is what Medavoy had to say on that,

“Well I was involved with the orig­i­nal ‘Robo­cop,’ and it was an R, and the like­li­hood is that this will be an R. It’s likely to be an R unless the direc­tor cuts back on some of it.”

No details on the plot were announced.