Movie Chronicles » RoboCop

Aronofsky promises to keep fans happy January 29th, 2009

Talk­ing to MTV on the Golden Globes red car­pet Robo­Cop direc­tor Aronof­sky spoke about the reboot of the fran­chise. Looks like Aronof­sky wants to take the char­ac­ter in a new direc­tion, explor­ing this new tech­no­log­i­cal era we find our­selves in:

“The thing that’s excit­ing for a film­maker like me about [“Robo­Cop”] is that it’s not as iconic as some of the other titles out there, so there’s room to do stuff with it,” Aronof­sky told MTV News. “It had incred­i­ble insight into the future.”


“The world has so changed—how much every one of us is some­what of a cyborg at this point with cell phones hang­ing out of us, with implants of all dif­fer­ent types.” Aronof­sky posed. In the same breath, how­ever, he cau­tioned that the project is still in its early stages. “I think there’s a lot of really timely ideas in it. If it comes together, it’ll be great, but who knows?”

As for a pos­si­ble cameo by orig­i­nal star Peter Weller, Aronof­sky backed away from any com­mit­ments. “I can’t make any promises,” he assured, “but I’ll show as much respect to the fans as I can.”