Movie Chronicles » Untitled Spider-man project

James Vanderbilt on Wolverine and Spiderman 4 October 31st, 2007

Writer James Van­der­bilt is, at the moment, fran­ti­cally work­ing on “flip­ping” David Benioff’s Wolver­ine movie script into a film-able for­mat before the WGA con­tract dead­line arrives at mid­night tonight (31st October):

Fox’s “X-Men Ori­gins: Wolver­ine,” which is being penned by James Van­der­bilt (“Zodiac”), [… is] among dozens of scripts that are being flipped, a process that actu­ally is unit­ing execs and scribes in one goal: to get a script that is filmable. — Hol­ly­wood Reporter

Whilst look­ing towards the future, it is reported that Van­der­bilt has been cho­sen by Sony exec­u­tives to pen the fourth Spider-man feature:

Sev­eral writ­ers were being con­sid­ered for the fourth install­ment, and Van­der­bilt appar­ently was cho­sen by Sony exec­u­tives for his character-driven approach to the story rather than a focus on spe­cial effects. — Com­ing Soon

Comments One Response to “James Vanderbilt on Wolverine and Spiderman 4”

patrick April 2nd, 2008

i thought i heard the Bishop was going to be in either the next “X-men” movie and or “Wolver­ine” movie