Movie Chronicles » Untitled Spider-man project

Spider-man 4 to begin filming March 2010 October 11th, 2009

Speak­ing with MTV, Sam Raimi gave some Spider-man 4 updates, reveal­ing that the script is cur­rently under­go­ing some small rewrites whilst pro­duc­tion is prepar­ing for a March 2010 start, aim­ing for a May 6th 2011 release date. Cast­ing hasn’t started yet, but it is set to get under-way shortly.

We’re hop­ing that it’s the first week in March,

At the moment, pre-production is in full swing, even as screen­writer Gary Ross con­tin­ues to work on the script.

He’s work­ing on a draft, I just gave him some notes and he’s doing a rewrite right now.

The pro­duc­tion is start­ing to come together. I’ve got a pro­duc­tion designer who is start­ing to design the sets and the envi­ron­ments that the pic­ture will take place in. We just brought aboard Scott Stokdyk as one of the two visual effects super­vi­sors, and I worked with him on all three ‘Spider-man’ pictures.

None of the cast­ing has really taken place, but we’re start­ing to think about that now.

Comments 2 Responses to “Spider-man 4 to begin filming March 2010”

Rinaldy October 31st, 2009

ki maine kapan.…..??????
q wis pesen tiket ping-kopang-kaping„„„!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter Glass June 9th, 2010

In Jan­u­ary this year Sony Pic­tures dropped a bomb­shell on Spider-Man 4 which is no longer because both Sony and Sam Raimi were hav­ing major cre­ative dif­fer­ences regard­ing the script they were butting heads over who should be the vil­lains the stu­dio wanted it the bud­get to be close to $220 mil­lion and more than one or two vil­lains but Raimi wanted it to be near $300 mil­lion and stick with only one or two vil­lains and he doubted he could meet the planned sum­mer 2011 release date so it’s been can­celled and Sony are now gonna reboot the whole thing in 2012.