Movie Chronicles » Untitled Spider-man project

Spider-man to be replaced? Not yet June 7th, 2008

Latino Review last week hinted that Sony were shop­ping around for an actor to replace Tobey Maguire as Spider-man in the next movie, cit­ing Patrick Fugit and Michael Angarano as pos­si­bil­i­ties. How­ever, Sony Pic­tures have told SHH that there is no truth to this rumor and they are not look­ing for a new Spider-man.

Thanks Gree­nieGob­bie

Comments 3 Responses to “Spider-man to be replaced? Not yet”

Peter Glass July 31st, 2008

I really think Tobey Maguire should be in Spider-Man 4
Spider-Man 5 and in Spider-Man 6 I also think Spider-Man 4 should be clas­si­fied as PG in the UK and Ire­land for mod­er­ate
fan­tasy vio­lence Spider-Man 5 should be clas­si­fied as 12A int
the UK and Ire­land for strong fan­tasy vio­lence mod­er­ate hor­ror
and one use of strong lan­guage Spider-Man 6 should be clas­si­fied as 12A for mod­er­ate fan­tasy vio­lence hor­ror and strong lan­guage Please tell Sony Pic­tures to start doing
film­ing on Spider-Man 4 from Novem­ber 2009-July 2010
I heard that they will release it in May 2011 Please also tell
Sony to ask Jim Car­rey to sign on for Spider-Man 4 to play Cle­tus Kassidy/Carnage

Lorne Hess November 12th, 2008


love­lyl December 6th, 2008

I must admit when I saw the pre­view to the first Spi­der­man movie and saw that Toby Maguire was Spi­der­man I was scep­tic but Toby has done such a great job at it, I mean the guy worked out for the job and he also suites the dorky Peter Parker. They have to keep Toby that is a must.