Movie Chronicles » Thor

First image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor July 25th, 2010

And the film’s syn­op­sis to bring some of you up to speed:

The film fol­lows the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth), a pow­er­ful but arro­gant war­rior whose reck­less actions reignite an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth by his father Odin (Anthony Hop­kins) and is forced to live among humans. A beau­ti­ful young sci­en­tist, Jane Fos­ter (Natalie Port­man), has a pro­found effect on Thor, as she ulti­mately becomes his first love. It’s while here on Earth that Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dan­ger­ous vil­lain of his world sends the dark­est forces of Asgard to invade Earth.