Movie Chronicles » Thor

Thor casting rumors — Harnett or an unknown, Portman as female lead? March 29th, 2009

Insider Nikki Finke and her site Dead­line Hol­ly­wood Daily has spec­u­lated about the pos­si­ble cast­ing for Thor.

She com­ments that there is a big push to cast Josh Hart­nett as either Thor or the antag­o­nist Loki; whether this turns out to be the case is ques­tion­able, espe­cially con­sid­er­ing Hartnett’s pre­vi­ous refusal to play Super­man. There is also an equal force want­ing a rel­a­tively unknown actor to play the role; other actors inline include brits Char­lie Hun­nam and Tom Hid­dle­ston, Alexan­dar Skars­gard, Liam Hemsworth and Joel Kin­na­man.

Mean­while, quite sur­pris­ingly, Natalie Port­man is the cur­rent top choice as the female lead. /Film spec­u­late that this could be either of:

1. Amora the Enchantress, Thor’s Asgard love-interest and antag­o­nist.
2. Sif, Thor’s wife who is also a God­dess in Asgard.
3. Jane Fos­ter, Don­ald Blake’s nurse who even­tu­ally devel­ops feel­ings for him, with­out know­ing that Blake is Thor

Do you see Port­man as a God­dess or Enchantress?