Movie Chronicles » Thor

Thor movie background, Kenneth Branagh to direct March 29th, 2009

The Thor movie adap­ta­tion has been penned by screen­writer Mark Pro­to­se­vich (I Am Leg­end, The Cell). In 2007, whilst on strike, he com­mented on his plans for Thor with the Daily Her­ald:

“I loved Thor! […] He was my favorite comic book char­ac­ter when I was grow­ing up. When I moved out to L.A. I sold a pretty sub­stan­tial comic book col­lec­tion to finance the trip. But I kept all my old Thors.“
[…] “It’s going to be like a super hero ori­gin story, but not one about a human gain­ing super pow­ers, but of a god real­iz­ing his true poten­tial. It’s the story of a Old Tes­ta­ment god who becomes a new Tes­ta­ment god.“
It will be mythic, but also bear the unmis­tak­able qual­i­ties of a Mar­vel movie, an epic fan­tasy adven­ture.
“I think it’s going to sur­prise a lot of people”

In Decem­ber 2008, actor and direc­tor Ken­neth Branagh was con­firmed as the direct­ing choice for the Thor movie (MTV):

“I am direct­ing “Thor” or “The Mighty Thor’ as you might like to call it,” he said with a smile before clar­i­fy­ing what the title of the film will be. “I think it will be ‘Thor.’”
ortu­nity to hear from Branagh about what appealed to him about the project. So what’s the appeal of “Thor,” Ken­neth? “To work on a story about one of the immor­tals, Gods, extra­or­di­nary beings, inter-dimensional crea­tures,” he enthused.

He con­tin­ued excit­edly, “There’s sci­ence fic­tion and sci­ence fact and fan­tasy all woven into one. It’s based on Norse leg­ends which Mar­vel sort of raided in a bril­liant way.”

When ques­tioned about cast­ing and the then rumors sur­round­ing Kevin McKidd:

“There’s been lots of talk [about cast­ing] — I sound like a politi­cian — but we are too early at this stage. We’re get­ting the story and the visual effects together and all of that is very excit­ing. Some­one sen­sa­tional is going to play the part but it is early days.”

“It’s a chance to tell a big story on a big scale,” said Branagh. “It’s a human story right in the cen­ter of a big epic scenario.”

The cur­rent release date is set to May 20th 2011, orig­i­nally brought for­ward from a June release.

Comments One Response to “Thor movie background, Kenneth Branagh to direct”

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