Movie Chronicles » Thor

Thor casting in final stages May 14th, 2009

Direc­tor Ken­neth Branagh has spo­ken out about the Thor cast­ing again, this time with MTV:

“We’re down to the final stages of it […] The rea­son one has to be prop­erly diplo­matic, is sim­ply that some tal­ented peo­pled have been patient, kind, cre­ative and really com­mit­ted to work­ing with us in this process.”

“My reluc­tance to say any­thing about it is sim­ply out of respect for peo­ple who have been extremely respect­ful of us. […] That said, I think we are extremely close and I hope to announce a deci­sion sooner rather than later.”

Comments One Response to “Thor casting in final stages”

Bran­don May 14th, 2009

um why is this in the eva movie eon­tent shouldnt it be in the thor one