Movie Chronicles » World of Warcraft Movie

A Diablo Movie June 22nd, 2007

Bliz­zard is hot right now, what with Star­craft 2 on its way and WoW con­tin­u­ing to dom­i­nate. Now we are hear­ing rumors of a Dia­blo adap­ta­tion for the big screen. These rumors came about when “Dia­blo” was spot­ted in the “In Devel­op­ment” sec­tion of Leg­endary Pic­tures’ web­site. This notice has since been removed and Bliz­zard have been char­ac­ter­is­ti­cally silent on the whole mat­ter. Com­ing from an offi­cial source this is hard to clas­sify as merely rumor, though lack of an offi­cial press state­ment and the notice’s removal does war­rant this labelling.

Nobody really knows what’s going on at the moment — except that the War­craft Motion Pic­ture is still in development.

We’ll keep you tuned should any devel­op­ments arise.

Comments 3 Responses to “A Diablo Movie”

Preaft­teege October 6th, 2008

Ïðèâåò, áûëî î÷åíüïðèêîëüíî òåáÿ ïî÷èòàòü. òîëüêî âîò îäíîïëîõî Ñïàìåðû äîñòàëè, ó ìåíÿ ó ñàìîãî åñòü ñòðàíè÷êà òàê è íà ïðåìîäåðàöèþ ñòàâèòü âñå ïîñòûíå äåëî, à âîò êàïò÷ó íèêàê íå ìîãó óñòàíîâèòü, íå ïîëó÷àåòñÿ…

Icelodild October 25th, 2008

Заметил такую тенденцию, что в блогах появилось много не адекватных комментариев, не могу понять, это что кто то спамит так? А зачем, чтоб падлу комуто сделать))) Имхо глупо…

Lorenco­GAP December 11th, 2010

Did you know that USA and Europe blocked Wik­ileaks? What do you think about it?