Movie Chronicles » Gears of War Movie

IGN Interview with Rod Fergusson April 15th, 2007

IGN have posted an inter­view with Rod Fer­gus­son, Gears of War pro­ducer, reveal­ing a cou­ple of tid-bits about the movie deal:

IGN: Can you tell us much about the movie deal?

Rod Fer­gus­son: There isn’t much to say right now. What peo­ple need to take away is that scripts get optioned all the time in Hol­ly­wood and that by no means [indi­cates] that it’s absolutely going to hap­pen that the movie gets cre­ated. They take their option and they may decide to do noth­ing with that option.

IGN: So New Line has optioned the script?

Rod Fer­gus­son: They have, yeah. They have a writer, Stu­art Beat­tie, who wrote ‘Col­lat­eral’ and ‘Derailed’, and was a con­tribut­ing writer to the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movies. And so he’s a big name script writer, and he’s already writ­ten a treatment.