Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

Greg Berlanti to Direct Green Lantern Movie November 13th, 2007

Vari­ety have stated that the rel­a­tively inex­pe­ri­enced Greg Berlanti (writer for char­ac­ter dri­ven shows such as Ever­wood and Broth­ers & Sis­ters) shall both direct and script write the live action film adaptation.

Marc Guggen­heim and Michael Green will also be involved in the script writ­ing process, with Don­ald De Line pro­duc­ing and Andrew Haas as exec­u­tive producer,

Both Guggen­heim and Green have worked with Berlanti before and each has Comic Hero writ­ing expe­ri­ence. Guggen­heim wrote the Mar­vel comic books “Amaz­ing Spider-Man,” “Wolver­ine” and “Blade.” Whilst, Michael Green, cur­rently the “Heroes” co-executive pro­ducer, was a writer-producer on “Smal­l­ville” and was involved in the “Superman/Batman” pub­li­ca­tion.

The project is offi­cially under way, under the guid­ance of Warner Broth­ers and DC Comics