Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie


Green Lantern supporting characters revealed in casting call September 18th, 2009

In August 2008 we revealed a char­ac­ter list of sup­posed vil­lains and allies that might appear in the movie (fol­low­ing a screen­play first draft read), just over a year later we’ve got some proof that it wasn’t far off.

Warn­ing: spoil­ers ahead.

The movie will fea­ture mul­ti­ple vil­lains, a trend that hasn’t bode well in the past (take Spider-man 3 for instance). Com­bin­ing this with an ori­gins story (assum­ing that’s what we get) could prove too much. I’ll remain scep­ti­cal for now.

Cast­ing Call

Hec­tor Hammond


27–35, Char­ac­ter actor who is aus­tere and imper­sonal, he is real “scummy.” He is a pathol­o­gist and also the son of a Senator.


Vil­lain and extra-terrestrial. Sine­stro is the for­mer men­tor of Hal Jor­dan and the arch-nemesis of the entire Green Lantern Corps.

Mid-30s to Mid-40s, he is smart, tough, intim­i­dat­ing and in great phys­i­cal shape.


Abin Sur

A mem­ber of the Green Lantern Corps, he recruited Hal Jor­dan as a Green Lantern. His role may not be huge, in the comics he presents the ring to Hal Jor­dan as he is dying.

Mid-30s to mid-40s, he is a great warrior.

Abin Sur

Carol Fer­ris

She is one of many supervil­lains who has used the name Star Sap­phire, and is a long-time love inter­est of Hal Jor­dan. The cast­ing descrip­tion doesn’t hint at a super alter-ego, so it’s not likely this sul­try vil­lain will appear, but in a sequel maybe?

[CAROL FERRIS] and pos­si­bly Star Sap­phire
26–32, a smart and attrac­tive woman with an MBA. She started as a pilot and now runs Fer­ris Air­craft. She is a work-a-holic…FEMALE LEAD

Bradley Cooper the Green Lantern? May 6th, 2009

Chris Pine and Ryan Gosling have both been linked to the Green Lantern role, now another name has been thrown into the mix, one Bradley Cooper (The Hang­over, Alias, Wed­ding Crashers):

[…] I’ve just spent the last hour or so on the phones, track­ing down a rumor I heard, and Hit­Fix can exclu­sively report that Bradley Cooper is now one of the guys most likely to don the suit and slip on the power ring as The Green Lantern for direc­tor Mar­tin Campbell.

Let’s be clear: they have not hired him yet. But the process is far enough along that this is more than just a meet­ing or some spot on a wish list. Keep in mind that Camp­bell likes to see a lot of peo­ple when he’s cast­ing… and even when he’s screen-testing, he seems will­ing to explore as many options as pos­si­ble… but with the film set to shoot later this sum­mer, they’ve got to start mak­ing their choices, and now’s the time to put peo­ple in front of the cam­era and see who really works in the suit.

Chris Pine rumored to be inline for Hal Jordan role March 19th, 2009

We pre­vi­ously reported that Ryan Gosling could be inline to play The Green Lantern, since then the ante on the movie has upped — with the WB plac­ing all its chips in the green bas­ket, given the hes­i­ta­tion and fail­ings of the Super­man and Jus­tice League fran­chises — sug­gest­ing that the Green Lantern role might need re-evaluating.

The IESB are now report­ing a short list of pos­si­ble actors to play the main role, head­ing the list is Star Trek star (Cap­tain Kirk), Chris Pine. Jon Hamm, Sam Wor­thing­ton and Nathan Fil­lion have also been men­tioned. The WB are look­ing for ‘a man’s man under 30′.

We’ll clas­sify this one as rumor for now, espe­cially as Pine’s agent has declined to com­ment, how­ever with film­ing set to begin in Sep­tem­ber it shouldn’t be too long before we see an offi­cial announcement.

Martin Campbell may direct February 6th, 2009

Mar­tin Camp­bell, direc­tor of Casino Royale, Gold­en­Eye and Ver­ti­cal Limit is in talks to direct the Green Lantern movie adap­ta­tion, report Vari­ety. With WB’s big Super­man and Jus­tice League movie plans falling through it looks like Green Lantern is mov­ing to the top of the hit list; bring­ing with it Mar­tin Campbell’s tal­ent and expe­ri­ence and a renewed desire to make this much more than another super­hero fran­chise, espe­cially given the recent and phe­nom­e­nal suc­cess of that dark and emo­tional Bat­man movie.

Greg Berlanti was orig­i­nally inline to direct, he has since been attached to the movie, “This is where I leave you”, yet remains a strong influ­ence as one of the three writ­ers that penned the screen­play (the oth­ers being Marc Guggen­heim and Michael Green).

Location scouts in Australia December 20th, 2008

The Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald are cur­rently report­ing that New South Wales and Vic­to­ria are in a bid­ding bat­tle to attract the busi­ness of The Green Lantern movie production.

The film­mak­ers have been scout­ing loca­tions and inter­view­ing key crew in Syd­ney for a movie with an esti­mated bud­get of more than $150 mil­lion. Cen­tring on a test pilot who uses a magic ring to become a crime-fighting superhero.

Green Lantern next super hero for Warner Bros.? December 20th, 2008

Alan Horn, pres­i­dent of Warner Bros., recently spoke to Col­lider about the future of Bat­man and other super heroes at the WB. The Green Lantern news comes towards the end of the brief inter­view, here is Collider’s transcript:

I then ask when we might be see­ing another Super­man. “Prob­a­bly in the next cou­ple of years. We’re very anx­ious to bring Super­man back also.”

I then say Green Lantern? “Also on the board. On the run­way. Hasn’t taken off yet, but we’re close.”

I finally ask what he thinks the next Super­hero prop­erty might be from Warner Bros. He says “I think Green Lantern is prob­a­bly the best guess but I can’t promise it at this moment.”

And Jus­tice League? “Not yet.”

Ryan Gosling likely Green Lantern/Hal Jordan October 9th, 2008

Latino review reported that accord­ing to their trusted source at WB, Oscar nom­i­nee Ryan Gosling will be wear­ing the ring in the movie.  These are yet to be con­firmed but my be on the table.

All is gear­ing up to start shoot­ing in the spring so watch this space.

Jack Black is not involved June 6th, 2008

CHUD have been speak­ing with pro­ducer, Don­ald De Line on the set of “Observe and Report”. De Line is involved with the Green Lantern movie adap­ta­tion and has spo­ken to address some recent inter­net rumors.

Jack Black is no longer attached to the fea­ture and the adap­ta­tion shall not be pro­duced as a com­edy — I can hear fans breath­ing a sigh of relief! Cur­rent sta­tus leaves them wait­ing for a first draft from direc­tor Greg Berlanti, which should be arriv­ing soon.