Movie Chronicles » Metal Gear Solid Movie

David Hayter has no involvement in the Metal Gear Solid Movie May 15th, 2007

David Hayter will have no defin­ing involve­ment in the live action metal gear solid movie adap­ta­tion. Hayter him­self, the voice of Solid Snake and screenwriter/actor, wrote a treat­ment for the film how­ever Kon­ami and the big play­ers turned it down.

Hayter has not been hired to script or pro­duce the upcom­ing fea­ture, should he have been, the film may have fol­lowed his intended direc­tion, which was, “Metal Gear as the Apoc­a­lypse Now of the dig­i­tal age, with Snake at the cen­ter of a swirling whirlpool of Genomic/military mad­ness.

A 90% major­ity vote at IGN believe omit­ting Hayter from the pro­ceed­ings is a mis­take.  Hayter has pre­vi­ously been involved with the screen­plays of Brian Signer’s X-men and X2 and he is cer­tainly expe­ri­enced enough to do the job, cou­pled with a plen­ti­ful stash of MGS knowl­edge surely he’d be the per­fect man for the job?

Source: IGN

Comments 41 Responses to “David Hayter has no involvement in the Metal Gear Solid Movie”

David pliskin July 18th, 2007

I think that the choice not to involve him was a good one. the way that his script was described made it seem like it was going to be too dif­fer­ent from what the game is. i belive that if they do indeed cre­ate a MGS movie, it should start from Metal Gear solid(as in the first game) so then, it will give the cre­ators more room to move around and go back and make snake eater or even go back to the metal gear series.

Matt August 3rd, 2007

Wow, What a let down. I am not sure what to expect of this movie now.

ross August 20th, 2007

watch­ing a movie about metal gear would be too wierd already know­ing the way that snakes voice sounds

dani August 23rd, 2007

Mark wal­berg from the movie “SHOOTER” and “4 BROTHERS” should be snake in the mgs movie he is the best choice

Josue August 30th, 2007

Me and a cou­ple of friends have been talk­ing about this since MGS 1 came out. and always thoguth Hugh Jack­man would be per­fect for SNake

stu­dent September 7th, 2007

I agree, David Hayter was per­fect as the voice of Solid Snake but seems to have lit­tle else to offer.
JOSH HOLLOWAY, Sawyer from “Lost” is ideal for the role. Not only does he resem­ble snake but also has the same gravely voice. He is per­fect for this role.

Metal Gear Fan September 8th, 2007

My cast:

Solid Snake — Kurt Rus­sel
Vamp — Oded Fehr
Psy­cho Man­tis — Jason Miller
Vul­can Raven — Michael Bai­ley Smith
Sniper Wolf — Ali Larter
Don­ald Ander­son — Mor­gan Free­man
Jim house­man — Clint Eastwood

luke October 5th, 2007

I totally agree with last poster kurt rus­sel would be awsome for the movie!!!

Cob­web October 26th, 2007

for the char­ac­ter i would have to agree with stu­dent and have to say josh Holloway.

i also think that if the cor­rect char­ac­ter innt decided on then the might as well not make a movie.

Andy November 14th, 2007

Kurt Rus­sel is too old for a demand­ing role like this, Josh Hol­loway is the per­fect Snake. I do think its a mis­take not hav­ing David Hayter do Snakes voice.

Angel November 24th, 2007

Snake should be Hugh Jack­man. He isa a much bet­ter actor than all the other can­di­dates and is the spit­ting image of solid snake.Hugh Jack­man has the voice,the look,and can put that emo­tional feel into the movie. You have to look beyond what is obvi­ous about snake.

Lance November 30th, 2007

As far as which movie should come first, I think it should be the game Snake Eater. Start of Chroni­log­i­cally. Sec­ond, BBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! David Hayter should do a voice over or some­thing. It just won’t be the same with­out him.

M.cor December 31st, 2007

A Metal Gear movie would be good to see, but I thought it would be ani­mated like the game… ani­mated like the Final Fan­tasy movie.
Here is the bonus for ani­mated: David Hayter would be the voice for Snake (obvi­ously!) and all the voice actors/actresses of the game series would be the same for the movie :)
Also the spe­cial effects would be bril­liant, and you can do things on com­puter that you can’t do in real life.
But the let down would be that it would take a while to cre­ate the movie :(
But it should be well worth the wait???
Any­wayz, back to the party… thought I should add a com­ment before the new year starts :P
Have a good one, eveyone!

Nikki January 10th, 2008

I think the deci­sion to not include him in writ­ing the screen­play was prob­a­bly for the best. I mean, yeah, sure, he knows the series like the back of his hand, but for cry­ing out loud, did any­one here SEE the Scor­pion King? Or the X-Men movies he worked on? (mind you, in his defense, it didn’t get any bet­ter once he left the project.)

“Lost in Oz” is the only thing he’s writ­ten that I haven’t seen, and unless it’s the most bril­liant TV movie of the cen­tury, then he’s got a port­fo­lio as attrac­tive as gangrene.

It’s still upset­ting to see him not being involved at all, though, if not actu­ally play­ing Snake than maybe as a mem­ber of the pro­duc­tion team (I’ve heard good things about ‘Burn,’ which he was involved in as a pro­ducer, so you never know).

row­ell john February 1st, 2008

i admit that David Hayter’s voice is per­fect for Snake’s char­ac­ter but Hugh Jack­man is a per­fect actor for Snake… MGS will be a very excit­ing movie.. i cant wait to watch it…!!! i’m a big fan of it since i first played the game.. and now watch­ing it’s movie would be much better…


Ben February 8th, 2008

I can­not believe he won’t be in the movie. If the Solid Snake in the movie doesn’t sound any­thing like or look any­thing like the Solid Snake in the game I am not gonna watch the rest of it and walk out of the movies. Just like I did with Res­i­dent Evil 3 when I found out how lame Wesker looked and sounded.

Ensnburn March 23rd, 2008

Josh Hol­loway all the way. How could there be any argu­ment. He is so per­fect. Hugh Jack­man is not at all

aaron m April 1st, 2008

Being a true Metal Gear fanatic, and not just some loser gamer, I think this is an out­rage. Con­sid­er­ing it’s going to be a North Amer­i­can movie, we need to have Snake, and the Metal Gear ele­ment as ‘to the fact’ as pos­si­ble. Do we really need to see another action movie that most peo­ple will half enjoy and just for­get with time? I’ve seen more movies than I can count, and the only rea­son I would be inter­ested in see­ing the MGS movie would be for the MGS ele­ment alone. Not a con­ceiv­able, SELLABLE movie anti-terrorist movie with some known douchebag Amer­i­can actor. David Hayter is the ONLY pos­si­ble choice if this is going to be accepted by the Metal Gear community.

The Metal Gear devel­op­ment teams are like a chain with weak links. Hideo is a very gifted, tal­ented writer, how­ever through Japan­ese to Eng­lish trans­la­tion, over time the game dete­ri­o­rates, with the odd loops in the story, things not intended by Kojima. Now it seems they’re going to let the Metal Gear series lose its cool and be milked. Seems like Kojima doesn’t care about what the Amer­i­cans do to his story. MGS as a sell­ing point, kind of sad to see.

Let’s think about Snake and MGS… Snake doesn’t have to act like a pro­fes­sional, his dia­logue is all about deliv­ery. Every­thing he does, says, is sim­ple but played off with that voice. To not include David Hayter as Snake to me shames the incred­i­bly amaz­ing and out­stand­ing per­for­mances he’s done in all his Metal Gear Games.

I play Metal Gear for the story and feel. I mostly owe Hideo Kojima (and co-writers/dir’s) and David Hayter and the awe­some Eng­lish voice act­ing team the thanks for that. The writ­ing com­bined with deliv­ery of char­ac­ter has SIGNIFIED my Metal Gear Expe­ri­ence and any­thing oth­er­wise will just be another movie inspired by a video game.

–game movies–
street fighter: fail
mor­tal kom­bat: cool, but fail
res­i­dent evil: fail
silent hill: fail
house of the dead: fail
mario broth­ers: fail

let’s not screw up Metal Gear. Please. Do it for the real fans.

Bur­ton April 22nd, 2008

I think David Hayter shold play snake i a huge fan of MGS and it just wont be right with­out him.

crazy­trainx April 30th, 2008

I agree with any­one who said Josh Hol­loway as Solid Snake. Slap a ban­dana on him, give him a card­board box and there ya go.

Razor May 1st, 2008

in my opin­ion, they should start the movie with a set­ting from an early point. you know, that way the peo­ple watch­ing can get a feel of how every­thing started. i say this because there are peo­ple who never played the MG and MGS games.

if you start play­ing a new game and get every­thing at the begin­ning, then the game will most likely suck. there will be no point to it. so, you need to have one where you start with noth­ing and work your way to where you have it all.

the same goes with movies, if you watch a new movie, and you already know what is going to hap­pen, you might not stay and watch it all. a good movie needs to keep peo­ple want­ing to know what is going to hap­pen next. not to men­tion, movies that are game adap­ta­tions, need to fol­low a bit more closely then they have in the past, in order to be a “good” movie.

i believe that stray­ing from what is really in the games, and using what some direc­tor who knows noth­ing about the game, is what really made most of the video game movies in the past suck, espe­cially Street Fighter, which had the world fight­ers on 2 sides, instead of fight­ing for themselves,

and Mario Broth­ers, which had very lit­tle to do with the games. yeah, they had King Koopa and all, but he was human and not the mutated tur­tle thing. and the goom­bas where some weird, and tall things, and not the lit­tle mush­room guys they are sup­posed to be. and yoshi? what the hell was that thing sup­posed to be? looked more like a retarded liz­zard with down syndrom.

Kirk May 25th, 2008

I agree, David Hayter has the per­fect voice that suits the character!If not him,an actor I would sug­gest to star as Snake in the movie would be Eric Bana,he has more or less a sim­i­lar voice to that of David Hayter,and if he grew a beard,he would kinda look like the char­ac­ter “Snake” aswell.

Richard May 25th, 2008

Josh Hol­loway is too pretty-boy for a gruff char­ac­ter like Snake. It’ll make me cringe when I hear who­ever plays Snake talk and not have the incred­i­ble gravely voice Hayter provides.

Hayter could take “Adorable lit­tle pup­pies” and make it sound like he was about to rip your balls off and plant them some­where to make an epic teste­tree, which he will then blow up with a Stinger mis­sile launcher whilst the Colonel blath­ers on for 25 min­utes at the most inop­por­tune times.

Alan June 15th, 2008

David Hayter should be involoved in the movie if not as snake which i think is wrong because he is snake but as an adviser to the movie the next best man for the job would have to be Hugh Jack­man because of his role as wolver­ine in the X-men tril­ogy, which was out­stand­ing and the two char­ac­ters, snake and wolver­ine are so alike. Both are reluc­tant heros and both do not know about their past lifes to start with.
But not to involove David Hayter would be a big mis­take in the eyes of every MGS fan around the world. And thats alot of peo­ple to DISAPPOINT!!!!!!

tyan­lion June 21st, 2008

David’s voice is just too famous. I just can’t imag­ine a gear with­out his voice. Hideo has to get David’s voice in there. have bale do the phys­i­cal appear­ance but david has to have the voice in there. it won’t be mgs with­out it.

Dave June 21st, 2008

i dunno, snake with­out Hayters voice would be some­thing awful… i hope he’ll be actor for the role, after all… hol­ly­wood make-up and visual makeover with PC can do mir­a­cles and he WILL look just like snake… or then at least he could do just the voice with some­one else to do the visual work… at least thats what i hope it will turn out to be… Snake’s voice is one of the main things i love in him and ive com­pleted all 4 games many, many times.…

Yin June 26th, 2008

As stated above, Eric Bana would be my first choice to play Snake. He didn’t seem to enjoy play­ing the Hulk, how­ever, and let’s face it, Metal Gear SHOULD be at least a tril­ogy, so get­ting Bana to com­mit to 3 films might be dif­fi­cult. Chris­t­ian Bale is doing the new Ter­mi­na­tor tril­ogy and if the money is right (and if the right peo­ple return), would do a third Bat­man film. He’s not likely to sign on for a MGS series. Hugh Jack­man is a pos­si­bil­ity. Hol­loway might be eas­i­est to get to com­mit to a series of films. He needs some­thing to do after Lost.

As for Hayter’s involve­ment, his strength is more in terms of break­ing down a story than it is snappy or inter­est­ing dia­logue. He should pro­duce, work­ing off of his treat­ment. It would def­i­nitely be a mis­take not to involve him in some way.

Oh, and youtube Hayter’s work as an actor. It’ll be clear that he should not in any way play Snake on the big screen.

alex July 12th, 2008

they have to have david hayter play as snake. its crap unless he’s there..

he’s got the role by being an actor, so why not let him act?
hes got the stuff to put the feel­ing and dark­ness back into the story with his voice. nobody else can make the swift move­ments and the rough voice act as one. that i will kick your ass voice. he already knows how to han­dle the char­ac­ter, and if you take out the only thing that the game has truly put into the movie that will stick into your mind. then it won’t even pull you into the movie. i won’t even see the movie if he’s not in it. screw every other actor. david hay­tor deserves this part.

Brent July 26th, 2008

I think instead of doing a live action film they should just do an ani­mated film. We are all fami­lar with the video games so they are the char­ac­ters we would relate to the most. Then you can get the orig­i­nal actors to do the voice work. Just my two cents.

Han­nah July 30th, 2008

ok i only have one thing to say



that is all


solid kupoe August 3rd, 2008

david hayter would make a per­fect snake for this movie i think. get him into a gym, cut his hair with a kbar knife, and grow his beard out. there you have it, snake. also his voice is per­fect for it too :P

BBsnake September 4th, 2008

Hugh Jack­man as snake.

David Hayter for big boss.


Alex September 18th, 2008

What do you mean he would make it dif­fer­ent from the game? He was in almost all of them and the metal gear solid was not the first the first was on the reg­u­lar nin­tendo. David pliskin.

ser­gio October 23rd, 2008

if david hayter is not play­ing snake i dont kno if i could watch it espe­cially since he has the knowl­edge and kinda looks like snake not to men­tion he is the voice

Wilbe November 24th, 2008

Metal gear was the first game not metal gear solid, then it went to metal gear two then solid.

Matt W December 18th, 2008

Hugh Jack­man? some knob from lost? who­ever else it was they said? play­ing snake? Fuck that. The moment I hear some shitty pop­u­lar prick speak the words of Solid Snake or Big Boss and see some fuck­ing hol­ly­wood moron’s piss poor ren­didi­tion of such a mas­ter­piece, I will per­son­ally burn the cin­ema to the ground and then go on a ram­page burn­ing each and every idiot respon­si­ble for another slaugh­tered video game film remake who hasn’t the faintest fuck­ing idea about the true bril­liance and genius of Metal Gear Solid. Also, if David Hayter cant act then the whole film should be in CGI because with­out his voice it will be SHIT.

fan December 21st, 2008

well they should put david hayter as solid snake and also they have to make the movie with­out any live actors but to make the movie like the game it’s self because like that they will not put down all the fans around the globe. If you guy’s form kon­ami are smart you will do like that and keep all of us happy.

kate March 2nd, 2009

i just wanted to say that I love this site

hog­art March 20th, 2009

if it was up to hayter it would be another gay fps game for the xbox.

kojima is the mas­ter­mind behind the series. hayter is one of the many great voices in mgs.

chris September 1st, 2009

they should do the movie with david hayter and make the movie if it was like mgs1 every thing like it i been play­ing mgs since i was 5 dont change noth­ing from mgs or the movie will be gay

Rea­gan February 12th, 2010

I hon­estly think that Hayter should just BE Snake. He’s got the voice (obvi­ously), and the look, which was made abun­dan­tely clear when he co-hosted an awards show AS Naked Snake. How­ever, he won’t be able to do that if they keep putting the movie off. I’m not so wor­ried about the sto­ry­line, wether they fol­low the games, or try and fill in the gaps, i.e. the Metal Gear NES series games, the years in between the Metal Gear Series and the Metal Gear Solid Series, or any of the years between 1 and 2 or 2 and 4, whci h has been said to be filled with the destruc­tions of pro­to­types from other coun­tries. There is so much poten­tial for this movie which would be best with Hayters guid­ing hand.