Movie Chronicles

Bay says “No to Teresa Palmer” May 14th, 2008

In a very brief post on his blog “Shoot for the Edit”, Michael Bay responded to claims about Jonah and Teresa Palmer:

No we have stopped nego­ti­at­ing with Jonah, and Teresa Palmer was not con­sid­ered for a role — you have wrong info.


Isabel Lucas cast as ‘Alice’ May 14th, 2008

Isabel Lucas’ man­age­ment agency, Meiss­ner Man­age­ment, has listed Isabel as a cast mem­ber of the Trans­form­ers sequel:

NEW — Fea­ture Film “TRANSFORMERS 2” Dream­Works US Pro­duc­tion. Role of ALICE.

Isabel Lucas cast in Transformers Movie

Alice is not listed in the cast break­down we saw leaked a short while back.

First Two Dark Knight TV Spots May 12th, 2008

Start­ing as of last night, Warner Bros. have began air­ing a cou­ple of tele­vi­sion spots for the Dark Knight. Thanks to all those that sent this in.

“Out of the dark­ness, comes the Knight” — not too hard to think that one up!

Here you go:

TV Spot #1:

TV Spot #2:

Amazing set of 40 high resolution images May 10th, 2008

/Film just got an exclu­sive pack­age of 40 high res­o­lu­tion images sent their way by reader KillingJoke — 30mb of them. These include lots of Aaron Eck­hart, Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal, Chris­t­ian Bale, Mor­gan Free­man, Heath Ledger and Chris Nolan close-ups. What’s most inter­est­ing are the pic­tures that show the film­ing of The Dark Knight.

This set appears to be for press usage, most likely for the plethora of press arti­cles we will be see­ing in the com­ing months. Some of the shots we have seen before, but maybe not at this res­o­lu­tion. No real spoil­ers in these shots either:


Images Removed at Request From Warner Bros

Sorry folks.

Dark Knight busts from Hot Toys May 10th, 2008

Zdravko wrote in to tell us that Hot Toys have some new intri­cately designed Dark Knight busts:

Joker Bust

Joker Bust Closeup

Batman and Joker busts from Hot Toys

Heath Ledger Joker Action Figures sell out May 7th, 2008

WENN are report­ing that within min­utes of going on sale, Mattel’s Joker action fig­ure has sold out:

Bat­man fans have cleaned out New York toy stores’ entire sup­ply of Heath Ledger’s Joker action fig­ure, within min­utes of them going on sale.

Devo­tees of the comic book series lined up early to clear shelves of the $9.99 toy.

Ebay is rid­dled with these fig­ures sell­ing for much more than their retail price, up to $55 each.

Joker Action Figure

Via /Film

Shooting at University of Pennsylvania May 7th, 2008

/Film have been tipped off about a pos­si­ble film shoot at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia (Sam Witwicky will be in college):

I’m a stu­dent at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia and a few of my friends involved in stu­dent gov­ern­ment told me that Trans­form­ers 2 will be shoot­ing on cam­pus in one of the nicer fra­ter­ni­ties this sum­mer. Im guess­ing these scenes will involve Shia/Jonah at col­lege. Michael Bay was also seen on cam­pus a few weeks back, so I guess that sort of con­firms that the film will be par­tially shot here. Thought you might like to know.

Jonah Hill will not be appearing in Transformers 2 May 7th, 2008

Rumors have recently put Super­bad star, Jonah Hill, in con­tention as Shia LaBoeuf’s room­mate in the Trans­form­ers sequel, as described by some leaked cast­ing descrip­tions:

[CHUCK] 19–25 yrs., Sam’s room­mate at Prince­ton. He runs a con­spir­acy the­ory web­site. Funny in an irrev­er­ent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his con­spir­acy the­o­ries come to life. (2nd Lead)

How­ever, Enter­tain­ment Weekly are report­ing that talks between Hill and Dream­Works have bro­ken down and shall not be Sam Witwicky’s comic sidekick.

Jonah Hill in Superbad

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