Movie Chronicles

Kevin Spacey reprises role of Lex Luthor August 14th, 2007

In July this year Vari­ety reported that Kevin Spacey would return as Lex Luthor in the lat­est Super­man movie. This con­fir­ma­tion was made as Singer pitched The Man of Steel, as scripted by Returns writer Michael Dougherty, to Warner,

Spacey hopes to shoot his Luthor role in a six-week block, as he did on “Super­man Returns,” after he com­pletes his run in David Mamet’s “Speed the Plow” in April.

Bringing you up to speed August 14th, 2007

“At the end of this film we see that there is so much more to explore.” said Bran­don Routh at the end of Super­man Returns; inevitably open­ing up the fran­chise for a sec­ond mod­ern sequel.  In August 2006 , in an inter­view with the LA Times,  Alan Horn, Warner pres­i­dent, announced that they were hop­ing to com­plete a sequel to Super­man Returns for a 2009 release. Bryan Singer, direc­tor of Super­man Returns and other cult films such as X-men and Usual Sus­pects, echoed these sen­ti­ments at the 2006 San Diego Comic Con.

And in an inter­view with Super­Hero­Hype he said,

I’d like to build on the seeds that are planted, you know, expand upon rela­tion­ships, you’ve now got a child, you’ve got these other ele­ments, but also have the oppor­tu­nity to have the char­ac­ters more estab­lished to bring in some more action and have some more stuff going on. 

As of Octo­ber 2006 a deal between Singer and Warner was agreed.

Superman: Man of Steel Movie Chronicles August 14th, 2007

Wel­come to this fledg­ling blog that shall dis­cuss, inform and divulge all the lat­est Super­man movie details as they are unveiled, exposed or released. This site was launched on August 14th 2007.

Wizard World Video Response August 12th, 2007

High Resolution Concept Art August 12th, 2007

Well, Aint it Cool’s Mori­arty posted this. It is a 1.5mb, 4000 x 2358 pixel mam­moth. Enjoy.

First Dark Knight Footage from Wizard World August 12th, 2007

The first pub­lic unveil­ing of any actual footage from The Dark Knight took place yes­ter­day evening at the Wiz­ard World con­ven­tion. The folks that brought us the news about the TDK event are back once again with all the juicy details. From Wiz­ard Uni­verse, a descrip­tion of the video:

The footage started with a sil­hou­ette of a dark fig­ure in front of one of Batman’s armored vehi­cles before quickly cut­ting to Bruce Wayne and Alfred deliv­er­ing the brief lines heard in the “Dark Knight” teaser trailer.

“Some peo­ple just want to watch the world burn,” advises Alfred before the cam­era jumps to Bat­man in action on the Bat­pod, the new iter­a­tion of his motorcycle.

The action built up as the Joker was seen in full for the first time with a mess of white face, smeared red lip­stick and sweaty, strag­gly green hair. Appar­ently, the clown prince of crime gets arrested at one point in the film, as the mon­tage pre­sented Jim Gor­don (com­plete in SWAT gear) at the Joker’s book­ing, say­ing, “no prints, no ID, cus­tom clothes, no tags.” The clown smiles with what appears to be blood over his face from the inside of an inter­ro­ga­tion room.

Check­ing back in with Bruce Wayne, the bil­lion­aire play­boy has a brief scene with Eckhart’s Har­vey Dent where he says “Rachel’s told me every­thing about you.”

“I truly hope not,” responds Wayne.

And points to note from the action mon­tage at the end:

  • The new bat­suit ris­ing up from a trap door in the ground and held in a chain metal case.
  • Rachel Dawes (played by Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal) close to an uniden­ti­fied man either kiss­ing him or being threat­ened by him as the cam­era rotates around them.
  • The Joker and Bat­man bat­tling in close quar­ters (pos­si­bly a hos­pi­tal room). Bat­man throws Joker over a table and crash­ing into the ground while the clown smiles at him. It should be noted that the Joker was done up in his sig­na­ture pur­ple suit.
  • Plenty of big, bold Bat­mo­bile action includ­ing a shot where the tank-like car dri­ves through a wall of flame. In fact, flames were pretty much every­where in the footage as it appears Joker does actu­ally make the world burn.
  • There is also a shot of a some­what grim-faced Joker walk­ing across a city street mer­ci­lessly fir­ing a machine gun as well as a tele­vi­sion close-up of the Joker laugh­ing hysterically.
  • Two major addi­tions to the spec­u­la­tion that Two Face will appear in the film came in the form of a sin­gle shot of a spin­ning 50 cent piece and the final image: after the action mon­tage has slowed down, the cam­era cuts to a bar­tender look­ing at Har­vey Dent, whose only onscreen pres­ence is his left shoul­der and a bit of a reddish-purple scarred neck. “Dent! I thought you were dead!” the man gasps, to which Har­vey replies, “Half.”

IGN also have some details about the “siz­zler” trailer whilst claim­ing that The Dark Knight film­ing is now 50% complete,

The Clown Prince of Crime was seen in a prison cell, dra­mat­i­cally speak­ing at the cam­era as if schem­ing some sort of dia­bol­i­cal plot. There were also sev­eral shots of Bat­man and The Joker fight­ing in what appeared to be an inter­ro­ga­tion room — in fact, the Dark Knight can be scene using “bad cop” inter­ro­ga­tion tech­niques, throw­ing The Joker across a table. There is a scene of The Joker danc­ing with Rachel Dawes (played by Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal), rem­i­nis­cent of the way Jack Nicholson’s Joker danced with Vicki Vale (played by Kim Basinger) in 1989’s Bat­man. Finally, there are a num­ber of shots show­ing a war-torn Gotham City — a machine gun-toting Joker fir­ing toward the camera.

While Eck­hart has already gone on the record with word that Har­vey Dent would be mak­ing the change into the dreaded Two-Face in this film, the footage served to con­firm this. A shot of Dent from behind has some­one com­ing up to the Dis­trict Attor­ney say­ing, “I thought you were dead?” Dent’s reply: “Half.” Mas­sive scar­ring can then be glimpse on the left side of his face. A dra­matic shot of a quar­ter spin­ning on a table also served to “wow” the audi­ence. In his non-scarred form, there is a shot of Dent first meet­ing Bruce Wayne. “Rachel’s told me a lot about you,” Dent says. To which Wayne replies, “I hope not.”

(Thanks for the heads up Eric)

The Dark Knight at Wizard World Today August 11th, 2007

Seems like Warner Bros. have sneaked in at the last moment with a top secret Bat­man related, ticket only, event at Wiz­ard World in Chicago. Here’s the blurb from Wiz­ard Uni­verse:

As a last-minute addi­tion to the convention’s pro­gram­ming slate, DC Comics announced today that its part­ners at Warner Bros. Pic­tures will be hold­ing a panel for the Christo­pher Nolan-helmed “The Dark Knight” at 6 p.m. [11th August] in the Dave Cock­rum Room at Wiz­ard World Chicago. In accor­dance with the shroud of secrecy already sur­round­ing the “Bat­man Begins” sequel, the ticket-only event will be kept under the tight­est secu­rity, with a ban on all cam­eras, phones, record­ing devices and any other elec­tron­ics. To gain entrance to the panel, fans will have to line up at 10 a.m. Sat­ur­day at the DC Comics booth on the con­ven­tion show floor for one of the passes to the 1,200-seat room.

And while DC and Warn­ers have made no state­ments as to what the panel’s pro­gram­ming will con­sist of, the cam­era ban alone hints that footage from the film, which fea­tures Chris­t­ian Bale repris­ing his role as the tit­u­lar hero as well as Heath Ledger as the Joker, Michael Caine as Alfred and Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal step­ping into the part of Rachel Dawes, will be revealed for the first time any­where. And con­sid­er­ing the fact that “The Dark Knight” is film­ing in the Windy City, an appear­ance by cast or crew mem­bers is pos­si­ble.

Stay tuned! 

That Joker Footage August 11th, 2007

Not much to see lately, and I apol­o­gise if the site has appeared slow — we seem to be hav­ing some issues that I am work­ing hard to resolve.

In the mean time, here’s Heath Ledger once more,

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