Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight at Wizard World Today August 11th, 2007

Seems like Warner Bros. have sneaked in at the last moment with a top secret Bat­man related, ticket only, event at Wiz­ard World in Chicago. Here’s the blurb from Wiz­ard Uni­verse:

As a last-minute addi­tion to the convention’s pro­gram­ming slate, DC Comics announced today that its part­ners at Warner Bros. Pic­tures will be hold­ing a panel for the Christo­pher Nolan-helmed “The Dark Knight” at 6 p.m. [11th August] in the Dave Cock­rum Room at Wiz­ard World Chicago. In accor­dance with the shroud of secrecy already sur­round­ing the “Bat­man Begins” sequel, the ticket-only event will be kept under the tight­est secu­rity, with a ban on all cam­eras, phones, record­ing devices and any other elec­tron­ics. To gain entrance to the panel, fans will have to line up at 10 a.m. Sat­ur­day at the DC Comics booth on the con­ven­tion show floor for one of the passes to the 1,200-seat room.

And while DC and Warn­ers have made no state­ments as to what the panel’s pro­gram­ming will con­sist of, the cam­era ban alone hints that footage from the film, which fea­tures Chris­t­ian Bale repris­ing his role as the tit­u­lar hero as well as Heath Ledger as the Joker, Michael Caine as Alfred and Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal step­ping into the part of Rachel Dawes, will be revealed for the first time any­where. And con­sid­er­ing the fact that “The Dark Knight” is film­ing in the Windy City, an appear­ance by cast or crew mem­bers is pos­si­ble.

Stay tuned!