Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


Free Pizza at Gotham City Pizzeria! June 16th, 2008

UPDATE: Puz­zle solved, forum found

Gotham City Pizze­ria has updated for its 16th June spe­cial pro­mo­tion. There is now a map of the US with loca­tions marked out in green and red — green means that there are free piz­zas to be grabbed, red means they’ve all been taken. The “order your free pizza” link takes you to a domi­nos page with a store loca­tor. 245 piz­zas avail­able in total!

Chat here as the game unfolds

The Site

Gotham City Pizzeria - Free Pizza

The Pizza boxes

The Pack­ages

Pic­tures thanks to CerealKiller:

The Letter involving Citizens for Batman

The author­i­ties are after us, so we had to be a lit­tle secre­tive about our hide-out. Here is a lit­tle some­thing to point you in the right direction:


You need to share this infor­ma­tion with other con­cerned Gotham cit­i­zens like your­self. I’m sure you can fig­ure out how.

When you put the pieces together, join us — and help us fight back against the ene­mies of Gotham City.

Never give up,


Pic­ture thanks to Pennyworth

This pack­age comes with a dif­fer­ent let­ter and a username.

Words so far

/euderma — This is a species of bat


User­names so far

nyc­ti­ceius — species of bat

Pass­words so far


This URL leads to a blank page: http://​www​.cit​i​zens​for​bat​man​.org/​m​i​d​n​i​g​ht/. Maybe it will have con­tent at midnight?

With guess work I have built up the sec­ond part of the URL by going through var­i­ous species of bat, I hit lucky with Nyc­talus. Then, alter­nat­ing species and nor­mal words I have got this far:


Clown Travel Agency — The Hunt is On April 1st, 2008

All pack­ages have been uncov­ered! Now time to head over to Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems or con­tinue fol­low­ing our coverage

As expected, The Clown Travel Agency viral puz­zle has come online — this time they have gone inter­na­tional. By click­ing on the manilla enve­lope (donned with the text “Proud Mother” in the bot­tom right) a sheet of loca­tions is revealed — from Paris to Sao Paolo. At each of these loca­tions is a package.

The text reads:

“Ready to have a ball?
A spe­cial bag of fun awaits the first to claim it. But you bet­ter strike fast, there’s no time to spare

The mes­sage hints at the sport of Ten Pin Bowl­ing, and this mes­sage from Alex at SHH con­firms that:

I con­tacted the Tavi­s­tock Hotel, but I was too late, how­ever they gave me some info on the pack­age. Some­one col­lected it and inside was a bowl­ing ball, and a nifty smart mobile phone. On the ball was a mobile phone num­ber etched on it. He rang the num­ber apa­prently and was told they now knew who he was and to await fur­ther instructions.

The folks over at SHH and Omelette have posted their pic­tures of the packages.

The note that came with it reads:

“Nice work, clown! Now call the num­ber on the ball imme­di­ately, from this phone and THIS PHONE ONLY. Don’t give this num­ber to any­one else, or I’ll know.

Hope­fully, your cohorts will be in the same league as you, because once all your points are racked up, I’ll give you all some­thing that will really bowl you over…”

A bowl­ing ball, a joker card, a phone, a mes­sage and a bag for the lot.

Harvey Dent Campaign Packages March 31st, 2008

I thought I would split out the Har­vey Dent related viral news to a new post, save every­thing from get­ting too con­gested as the news keeps com­ing. It seems that those signed up to par­tic­i­pate in the cam­paign have started to receive their rewards in the post,

SHH User Anita18 received a Gotham City voter’s card in the post:

Oth­ers have received the lat­est issue of The Gotham Times. A lucky few have also had some inter­est­ing Har­vey Dent pro­mo­tion but­tons, with one side melted or burnt away (alas Two Face) — sent via the Con­cerned Cit­i­zens For A Bet­ter Gotham (pic­tures thanks to Marvel152):

Harvey Dent / Two Face button

Why So Serious Catch Up and Screenings December 5th, 2007

So, yes­ter­day evening the Why So Seri­ous viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign that we have been par­tic­i­pat­ing in as of late came to its con­clu­sion by unveil­ing The Dark Knight teaser poster.

This post is a catch-up entry to fill in the gaps between the “step right up” chal­lenge and the release of the poster. My last post revealed a num­ber of scary cud­dly toys with loca­tions pinned to their bel­lies, at each of these loca­tions was a bak­ery with a cake, inside of which was an evi­dence bag con­tain­ing a phone, a joker card and a note. When each cake was grabbed, the bear was removed and we all came one step closer to hit­ting the bell.

Here are some more pic­tures of the cakes via our friends at Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

Step Right Up Cake


Why So Serious Cake Evidence


Joker Card and Phone in the cake

When all of these cakes were dis­cov­ered, hit­ting the bell won the prize… and click­ing through lead you to an evi­dence page with two joker cards:

Each of the cards is a link, the left card takes you to the poster page, which we have all seen by now. The right takes you to a sign up page for what looks to be some pre­view screen­ings in IMAX cin­e­mas across the coun­try — the pro­logue perhaps?

And here’s a pic­ture of the ticket via Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

Why So Serious Preview Screening Event Ticket

Step Right Up Countdown Challenge December 4th, 2007

Update: Bat­sean has been to the bak­ery to get his cake…

Dark Knight Cake

Dark Knight Insides of Cake

The Evidence in the Cake

The note says:

Wow, you really took the cake! Now, put the icing on it: call (phone num­ber) imme­di­ately from this phone and THIS PHONE ONLY. Do NOT give this phone num­ber to any­one else.

Let’s hope your fel­low goons come through as well as you. Once all the lay­ers are in place, you’ll all get your just desserts. I’m a man of my word

Step Right Up

The count­down on the lat­est why so seri­ous viral mar­ket­ing puz­zle has come to an end, and revealed the final challenge.


Hang­ing from the stall in front of you are, as of now, 6 cud­dly toys, although not at all cute. Each of them has a loca­tion pinned on, a loca­tion that, by instruc­tion, you must travel to and not call.

The Cuddly Toys and Locations

Why So Serious Bears

The instruc­tions also ask you to go under the name “Robin Banks” (aka Rob­bing Banks) at each of these places, with “One per loca­tion, first come, first served”. It seems that each of these is a bak­ery store, with the prize being some­sort of bak­ery delight with an attached phone num­ber. Some of the bears are already start­ing to dis­ap­pear, and with each new dis­cov­ery the mal­let on the left hits a lit­tle harder.

Hit­ting the base of the machine used to invoke a pathet­i­cally small rise of the weight, not even enough to light the first level.

The Gotham Times Newspaper Prize November 22nd, 2007

So, the folks that were lucky enough to be recruited by The Joker have now started to receive their gifts. It seems that they shall be receiv­ing a Gotham Times new paper, com­plete with news arti­cles, com­men­taries, Gotham adverts and much more to set the tone of the movie.

Bat­man­sJoker and Mito88 were kind enough to share some of their joys:

The arti­cles in this news­pa­per pay a num­ber of ref­er­ences to a few new web­sites, the first is that of The Gotham Times itself, www​.the​gotham​times​.com, with its first online edi­tion launch­ing Fri­day Novem­ber 23rd. The sec­ond new viral mar­ket­ing web­site seems to be one “We are the answer” which appears mul­ti­ple times — refer­ring to the page www​.wearethean​swer​.org, but this site hasn’t yet gone online, we’ll have to wait a lit­tle longer to see the treats that it holds. Thirdly, a ref­er­ence to an email was included in the print for humanresources@​whysoserious.​com, and when email­ing this address this auto response is returned:

See you found my lit­tle mes­sage. So, do you think you have what it takes to be a part of my cir­cle of friends? Are you a back­stab­bing, self-promoting, ambi­tious clown who will do any­thing to prove your­self to me? If so, the first step of your appli­ca­tion process awaits…if you know where to look.