Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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New York Times Dark Knight Report March 10th, 2008

The NYTimes have posted a very inter­est­ing Dark Knight report which closely fol­lows Chris Nolan’s work as direc­tor. It is a must read, even if the minor plot spoil­ers in the first para­graph would put you off. I’ve included some choice excerpts for you below, along with the new images that fea­ture in the article.

In so many ways this isn’t what you’d expect of a $180 mil­lion Hol­ly­wood comic-book movie sequel with a zil­lion mov­ing parts, a cast of thou­sands and sets from here to Hong Kong. Any­one else would shoot indoors, use dig­i­tal effects or wait for clear skies; Mr. Nolan rolls with the weather’s punches, believ­ing that the messi­ness of real­ity can’t be faked. Another film­maker would leave a shot like this in the hands of a second-unit direc­tor, but Mr. Nolan doesn’t use one; if it’s on the screen, he directed it, and his long­time cin­e­matog­ra­pher, Wally Pfis­ter, worked the cam­era. Stars on any other movie would have fled to their trail­ers to wait in com­fort until needed again. Here, Gary Old­man is watch­ing and shiv­er­ing along with every­body else, crack­ing jokes to keep warm.


Now the ques­tion is whether Mr. Nolan’s vision of Bat­man can not only main­tain its hold on the imag­i­na­tions of comic fans and crit­ics, but expand its reach to a wider sum­mer moviego­ing audi­ence, even as the death of Heath Ledger, who played the Joker in “The Dark Knight,” has added unan­tic­i­pated mor­bid­ity to the film’s delib­er­ate darkness.


“As we looked through the comics, there was this fas­ci­nat­ing idea that Batman’s pres­ence in Gotham actu­ally attracts crim­i­nals to Gotham, attracts lunacy,” he said. “When you’re deal­ing with ques­tion­able notions like peo­ple tak­ing the law into their own hands, you have to really ask, where does that lead? That’s what makes the char­ac­ter so dark, because he expresses a venge­ful desire.”


Will Mr. Ledger’s death cast a pall over “The Dark Knight,” whose tragic plot turns already make it much darker than “Bat­man Begins”? “We’ll see,” said Mr. Robi­nov, of Warner Broth­ers. Mr. Nolan, for his part, said he felt a “mas­sive sense of respon­si­bil­ity” to do right by Mr. Ledger’s “ter­ri­fy­ing, amaz­ing” performance.


Chris Nolan

Batman and The Joker

The end of the Chicago shoot September 2nd, 2007

… and there is no bet­ter way to mark it than with a dented, busted up Lam­borgh­ini. A Mur­cielago (which trans­lates to Bat) to be precise.

Pic­tures thanks to rory_bat; he is now head­ing back to the East Coast, whilst Batman’s film­ing sched­ule takes them to Eng­land. Film­ing is set to con­tinue until November.

Want to know how that car ended up in the mess it did? Read the rest of this entry »

August 30th and Bruce Wayne’s Lamborghini August 31st, 2007

After the big explo­sion, lit­tle else can impress us now, how­ever film­ing con­tin­ued for at least one more day in Chicago, with Bruce Wayne’s Lam­borgh­ini being spot­ted kit­ted up and dri­ving around. Two sets of pic­tures are out there, the first comes via draperyfalls,

Sec­ondly, chgo­jobs had this pull right out in front of him:

He car­ried on to fol­low the action and cap­tured this video:

Also, CNN have a new explo­sive video.

More from the Memorial August 26th, 2007

We’ve recently been drawn to this impres­sive post at the Super­Hero­Hype forums by ChicageauxTiger:

This was the gen­eral scene of the shoot:

Con­tinue read­ing for the spoil­ers. Read the rest of this entry »

August 24th Set Reports August 26th, 2007

First up, Lon­nie set in this nice lit­tle spoiler-filled report from August 25th:

I was at the film­ing for The Dark Knight yes­ter­day, they were film­ing a memo­r­ial ser­vice for an impor­tant char­ac­ter who dies, Police Com­misoner Loeb. There was a stage set up in front of “City Hall” with a pic­ture with a wreath around it. The pic­ture was of Loeb. Dur­ing film­ing of the scene, they would shoot of a gun and the crowd would scat­ter. No prin­ci­pal char­ac­ters there when I was there, but I hear Eck­hart was there earlier.

Patti later wrote to con­firm this and give a few more inter­est­ing details:

Went down­town 8/24 to check out the film­ing. We saw them set up (around 730) for a memo­r­ial ser­vice for the police com­mis­sioner and pos­si­bly Har­vey Dent. (We could not get a good look at the pic­ture dis­played on the stage). When they were ready to start to film , the streets were cleared of onlook­ers. There were a lot of police extras there. Very hard to see from a block away. This part was filmed right in front of the Board of Trade. We left and came back around 1130. We walked around to the back of the set were peo­ple were allowed to stand but they were very strict on no pic­tures. We saw Gary Old­man. The police horses were there (actual horses from a Wis­con­sin sta­ble) and police for the 21 gun salute which we just missed. They broke for lunch around 12noon.

Drove past (my hus­band is not into this adven­ture) Brach’s today 8/25. They were work­ing on the front of the hospital.

As per usual, run the mouse over the area above to view the spoilers.

Dark Knight August 23rd Filming Report August 23rd, 2007

Rory_bat, from the Super­Hero­Hype forums has been on loca­tion recently for the lat­est TDK shoot,

He had this to say:

Alright, I am sure you guys already know where they were shoot­ing today: Berghoff’s (I think I spelled that right), some kind of old and classy restaurant/bar type. The crew had vehi­cles all on Adams and the adjoin­ing streets. The first time I walked by early on in the day they were shoot­ing inside. They had some screens up over the exte­rior and I could hear them yell “rolling”. I didn’t know who was inside at this point. Out­side there was a large bus that had “Cor­erc­tions” writ­ten on the side of it. It was a GPD bus, pre­sum­ably for haul­ing off pris­on­ers of a sort. There were also a few GPD extras milling around. I walked fur­ther down toward State St. and saw all kinds of GPD and Gotham cars wait­ing to be used. I fig­ured some exte­rior stuff would be hap­pen­ing later. I wasn’t wrong.

Around 2:30 or 3:00 I made my way back and sure enough, there was quite a bit of action. There was a whole crowd of extras dressed in suits, they seemed to be reporters or maybe just onlook­ers. In front of this crowd was a GPD offi­cer holdig a shot­gun (very cool). Some of the extras were pre­tend­ing to shiver..don’t for­gett the fall set­ting. It was amus­ing to watch. A bit fur­ther down in front of Berghoff’s was were the good stuff was hap­pen­ing. Nolan and co. were shoot­ing a scene where GPD and Lt. Gor­don escort Maroni and his goons into the cor­rec­tions bus, bust­ing them. I stood across the street and watched (tak­ing pics and got video of one whole take). Eric Roberts looked great as Maroni, cuffed and all. After each take they would wipe the sweat off of Old­man, Roberts and the extras, attempt­ing to keep the atmos­phere of Fall in place (cer­tainly tough with today’s weather).

Shots from the film­ing:

Report from TDK’s August 19th Shoot August 20th, 2007

This has just come in from Brett,

It was around 8:50 am Sun­day 8/19 on the cor­ner of west Mon­roe street and south Canal street. Block away from Union Sta­tion. Looked to be round 30 extras. Never did see any lead char­ac­ters. The secu­rity exclaimed “pic­tures up,” and the extras began to walk around as ran­dom peo­ple on the street. I think they were film­ing inside the build­ing or just on the cor­ner. Not sure what build­ing it is. Any­way, the peo­ple were just walk­ing around then I heard two gun­shots and extras began to run every­where. What’s more is I did hear a loud sin­is­ter laugh, which was with­out a doubt in my mind, the Joker ala Heath Ledger.

And these are the pic­tures:

Rory was also on the scene to cap­ture some GCN images in the pour­ing rain.

Alright, so I went back down to the set in the pour­ing rain and got some pics. Due to the rain they stopped shoot­ing so all of the extras were sit­ting around the lobby of the build­ing… which is now the GCN, which I am guess­ing is “Gotham City News” or “Gotham Cable News” (though I favor the first). I was able to walk right up the build­ing and started tak­ing pho­tos. There were a lot of PA’s and Extras around but they didn’t seem to mind me too much. I got some courage and walked right into the lobby. Inside it was dressed as a TV sta­tion with GCN and tv screens all over the place. I didn’t stay too long and didn’t snap any pics for fear of being caught. It was cool to see though. Also saw the offi­cial set pho­tog­ra­pher who looked a bit bummed…maybe because of the pic leak.

Reports from the August 12th Shoot August 16th, 2007

It seems like Nolan and his team have been at it once again in down town Chicago, although this time with a notable addi­tion — Chris­t­ian Bale has at long last been spot­ted on set. These pic­tures and set reports are all from the August 12th shoot. To out­line the events we have, via X-realms, El Eshoo’s report — to start with:

I had a chance to watch/gawk at some film­ing of Bat­man (Sun­day, Aug 12th) at the 330 North Wabash Build­ing. They had sev­eral dif­fer­ent vehi­cles out there (Gotham Police Dept, Gotham News Vans, Mil­i­tary vehi­cles, Bomb Squad truck, etc.) which was cool to see. But I’d say the best of all: I was lucky enough to be 10 feet from Christo­pher Nolan, Aaron Eck­hart and Mr. Bruce Wayne him­self … Chris­t­ian Bale! They were film­ing some “Press Con­fer­ence” stuff in the lobby of 330 ear­lier in the day, broke for lunch around 1:00-ish and then filmed some more “Press Con­fer­ence” stuff.

Then they brought in some Army-type guys along with cam­ou­flaged Hum­mers and Trucks with machine-gunners to shoot some Heli­copter fly-bys. They closed down a SHITLOAD of areas for this (police stop­ping traf­fic from Michi­gan Ave to LaSalle), not allow­ing any­one in the area (no foot traf­fic aloud dur­ing fly-bys down Chicago River towards lake) and were even heav­ier on the NO PICTURES crap. The chop­pers came pretty low as they passed over the court­yard out­side of 330 North Wabash where mil­i­tary and Gotham press peo­ple were all around. Cam­eras on the ground were film­ing the fly-bys.

Mr. Eshoo was able to take a fair few pic­tures in his time amongst Rory’s First Kiss:

TDK Press Conference - Empty


Choppers Coming In


Gotham City News and Media Vans

For more of these shots check out the X-realms report. Next up, Sterno74 man­aged to cap­ture a fan­tas­tic high res­o­lu­tion shot of the fake National Guard fly overs, click the image for large or check out his flickr pro­file.

Mean­while rolandin has got some very nice high res­o­lu­tion pho­tos of the sta­tion­ary Bat­pod. Or some more heli­copters via gtrietsc’s flickr gallery.

And last, but cer­tainly not least, a fel­low by the name of Spanish39 was on loca­tion to snatch a few more images, this time of the infa­mous Chris­t­ian Bale as Bruce Wayne — here he is with Christo­pher Nolan:


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