Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

August 24th Set Reports August 26th, 2007

First up, Lon­nie set in this nice lit­tle spoiler-filled report from August 25th:

I was at the film­ing for The Dark Knight yes­ter­day, they were film­ing a memo­r­ial ser­vice for an impor­tant char­ac­ter who dies, Police Com­misoner Loeb. There was a stage set up in front of “City Hall” with a pic­ture with a wreath around it. The pic­ture was of Loeb. Dur­ing film­ing of the scene, they would shoot of a gun and the crowd would scat­ter. No prin­ci­pal char­ac­ters there when I was there, but I hear Eck­hart was there earlier.

Patti later wrote to con­firm this and give a few more inter­est­ing details:

Went down­town 8/24 to check out the film­ing. We saw them set up (around 730) for a memo­r­ial ser­vice for the police com­mis­sioner and pos­si­bly Har­vey Dent. (We could not get a good look at the pic­ture dis­played on the stage). When they were ready to start to film , the streets were cleared of onlook­ers. There were a lot of police extras there. Very hard to see from a block away. This part was filmed right in front of the Board of Trade. We left and came back around 1130. We walked around to the back of the set were peo­ple were allowed to stand but they were very strict on no pic­tures. We saw Gary Old­man. The police horses were there (actual horses from a Wis­con­sin sta­ble) and police for the 21 gun salute which we just missed. They broke for lunch around 12noon.

Drove past (my hus­band is not into this adven­ture) Brach’s today 8/25. They were work­ing on the front of the hospital.

As per usual, run the mouse over the area above to view the spoilers.