Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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DVD Pre-release Dark Knight games December 7th, 2008

Lead­ing up to the Decem­ber 9th DVD and Blu-ray release of The Dark Knight, Warner Bros. have set up a cou­ple of Dark Knight related games for us fans to play.

The first is “The Dark Knight Puz­zle”,

Here’s my badge…

The sec­ond is from My Dark Knight, the page is enti­tled The Dark Knight Wid­get, which comes with lots of pro­mo­tional niceties, such as Twit­ter back­grounds, down­loads (wall­pa­pers, screen­savers) and a pro­file pic creator.

Includ­ing the “peel­back” script after the break…
Read the rest of this entry »

Comcast Game: “Gotham City Street Chase” July 17th, 2008

Csam Cram has been in touch to tell us of Comcast’s lat­est Dark Knight pro­mo­tion, an online flash game fea­tur­ing the Bat­pod and Joker trucks throw­ing explo­sives, enti­tled “Gotham City Street Chase”:

Dark Knight Wallpapers, MSN Site July 15th, 2008

MSN have released a spe­cial Dark Knight web­site, sim­i­lar to the Com­cast and Ver­i­zon ones, with down­loads, wall­pa­pers, trail­ers and syn­op­sis, noth­ing too fancy here though there are some lovely new Wall­pa­pers to check out:

Thanks Israr!

Bat pod on tour, with images July 6th, 2008

Greg was in Cincin­nati this week­end to see the Bat pod on tour as it does its part in the pre-release pro­mo­tional cam­paign for The Dark Knight. You can find some pic­tures below, even its trailer looks fantastic!

On the other hand, dis­grun­tled fan Travis gives us some words of warn­ing before we head out and see the Pod on tour:

Yes just wanted to let every­one know that it was dis­ap­point­ing. Yes today I got off work at 4pm and picked up my lit­tle brother so we could go them at the Show­case Cin­ema de Lux & IMAX in Spring­dale, Ohio. We got there just a cou­ple min­utes after 5pm and they were gone. The man­agers said that the Tum­bler wasn’t even there and they decided to leave just before 5, even though they were sched­uled to be there till 530. It was such bull­crap!!!! My brother and I (along with a whole lot of other fans) were so dis­ap­pointed. Its nice to know how they (WB) treat their fans. Thanks WB. So just thought I would let every­one out there know you bet­ter get there real early if you want to see them.

Tumbler riding with Toyota Formula One July 5th, 2008

This week­end is the British Sil­ver­stone grand prix. As part of The Dark Knight’s pro­mo­tion, the Toy­ota Forumla One car has been dec­o­rated with Dark Knight logos, sym­bols, etc — the usual. How­ever, as part of the press jun­ket, This For­mula One car took to Sil­ver­stone to “race”, although not really a race, with the tum­bler — strut­ting its stuff on the cor­ners. The video below also fea­tures a pit stop for the bat­mo­bile and some closer detail on its inner work­ings. The Bat pod also makes an appearance

Via Carscoop, thanks Skam

Extended Trailer at the Dominos Dark Knight Vault July 1st, 2008

Domi­nos have unveiled their lat­est part in the ongo­ing Dark Knight pro­mo­tional cam­paign — a vault filled with good­ies, includ­ing an extended trailer with new footage. There are wall­pa­pers and many fea­tures still listed as com­ing soon, such as a mobile game, a new trailer and inter­views, pre­sum­ably with cast and crew.

Domi­nos Dark Knight Vault

Thanks Pierre, Tim, Anton, Linda, Csam!

Dark Knight invades MySpace, Nokia page June 18th, 2008

Users of the small and unknown MySpace web­site may have noticed that it’s front page has been taken over by The Dark Knight as part of its com­menc­ing tra­di­tional mar­ket­ing cam­paign as we hur­tle towards its release date. A sec­ond ded­i­cated Dark Knight MySpace page has also been set up, where there are wall­pa­pers, etc.

Not being in the US, the delight­ful geo-coded redi­rects pre­vent me from see­ing any of this, some screen­shots and the wall­pa­pers would be great if some­one could send them in.

There’s also a Nokia web­site which is flash based with a host of treats for your phone. Ironic that the site is pretty much use­less when viewed from the major­ity of phones.

Thanks Tim!

EDIT: King Uta has sent in the pic­ture, thanks!:

Comcast Launch Dark Knight Site June 6th, 2008

Com­cast have unveiled a Dark Knight themed flash based web­site, com­plete with posters and screen­saver down­loads, in a sim­i­lar vein to the offi­cial site, but all the same slightly dif­fer­ent! Thanks Csram

Handy ZIP of all downloads


The site fea­tures two new fea­turettes, one focus­ing on Imax, another on the mak­ing of the clown masks.

Down­load IMAX Promo

Down­load Clown Masks Featurette


I’d also like to take this moment to thank my friend aCyn­i­calPie for keep­ing the web­site up to date in my two week absence! The remote parts of Greek islands do not have high speed inter­net access.

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