Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

The Joker

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Creepy early Joker Concept Art August 10th, 2008

The Art of The Dark Knight has been released with a full script along­side pro­duc­tion images and con­cept art.

The most inter­est­ing sec­tion in the book is the part cov­er­ing the early Joker designs — the below images illus­trate how grue­some and ter­ri­fy­ing the Joker could have been. They almost look like some­thing out of the Texas Chain­saw Mas­sacre.

Some High Resolution Joker Images August 3rd, 2008

Wow, just noticed I hadn’t posted these. Here are a cou­ple of nice n’large Joker pic­tures for you to get your teeth into. The first one makes a great wallpaper.

The Joker - here's my card

EXTREME SPOILERS — Two Face and The Joker July 8th, 2008

I wish I hadn’t seen these. The French site, Lyri​cis​.fr have posted screen caps from The Dark Knight show­ing Two Face and The Joker in scenes that are VERY spoi­lerific. I warn you — look­ing at these images may be too much, they are also very graphic.

I have lis­tened to your warn­ing and want to see this anyway

Leaked Joker Pictures April 2nd, 2008

It looks like the Jow Forums have leaked some very reveal­ing shots of The Joker in The Dark Knight, albeit with some pho­to­shop effects thrown over the top. They include scenes from the hos­pi­tal and the parade — they are major spoil­ers as to cer­tain events in the movie.

As these were leaked we shall not be post­ing them here. Cer­tain sites do still have them though. How­ever I rec­om­mend stay­ing away from these, if you can — these are things you’d want to see in the movie and not beforehand.

Thanks Keith.

Let’s Put a Smile on That Face December 17th, 2007

High Res­o­lu­tion Screen­shots from The Dark Knight Trailer

Just for you (espe­cially those that can’t play HD video on their machines) we have some won­der­ful high res­o­lu­tion screen­shots from the trailer that was offi­cially released yes­ter­day. I highly rec­om­mend look­ing at the Joker images, they are quite fantastic.

Two Awesome Joker Posters December 14th, 2007

Well, today is a day for fab­u­lous Dark Knight imagery, and here we have two more posters for you to wrap your­self around. The first comes in the same vein as the Inter­na­tional Dark Knight Teaser Poster fea­tur­ing Bat­man, though this time we have a great, and incred­i­bly teas­ing, shot of The Joker. The sec­ond poster shows us The Joker’s gnarly grin through a steamed up panel embla­zoned with the words “Why So Seri­ous?”, we’ll be look­ing out for a high res­o­lu­tion ver­sion of this in the next few days.

These pic­tures have come via Judao and Allocine.

Buy the Joker Teaser Posters (~$26.99 each at the moment)

Dark Knight - Joker Teaser Poster

Dark KNight - Joker Teaser Poster

Alternative View of the Joker Poster

3 New Dark Knight Images December 8th, 2007

These three pro­mo­tional shots (one of which we have seen before, but clouded with cover page texts) come via Comics2Film. I par­tic­u­larly love the last image, which at first glance appears to be unre­lated, until you notice the mask.

High Resolution Dark Knight Poster and Joker December 5th, 2007

We all like to see high res­o­lu­tion pic­tures, today I have two of them for you. The first is a whop­ping 300dpi 100mb ver­sion of the teaser poster. To illus­trate the detail of a pic­ture like this, here’s a fully sized extract:

Dark Knight Poster High Resolution Preview

The more astute will have noticed a link to this file on Why So Seri­ous. It appears to the bot­tom right of the nor­mal sized picture:

Down­load 100mb poster image


(beware, 100mb down­load may take a while!)
If this link suf­fers under the traf­fic, etc, here is a handy mir­ror site: Alter­nate Download

Next up we have the medium-to-high res­o­lu­tion ver­sion of that Empire mag­a­zine cover thanks to David:

High Resolution Preview

Down­load (only 420kb this time)

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