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The Joker

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Batman and The Joker Promo Pics December 2nd, 2007

These pro­mo­tional pic­tures come via Uru­loki which is get­ting pretty ham­mered at the moment. After all that viral mar­ket­ing we get some­thing truly reward­ing via some­thing com­pletely unre­lated… not sure if these promo pics were leaked early or not, though they come at a time when lots of pub­li­ca­tions are get­ting their Joker fix on. These are spread­ing like wild­fire, as fast as those other con­tro­ver­sially leaked screen cap images we briefly saw a few months back.

With­out fur­ther adieu, here are Bat­man and The Joker, pos­ing beau­ti­fully for you:

EDIT: Sorry folks, looks like the images are being pulled down! Hence they are gone from here too.

New Joker and Bale Images November 30th, 2007

Along with Empire, Wiz­ard have a super hero themed issue which dons a glo­ri­ous front cover pic­ture of Heath Ledger as The Joker:

Click to em’biggen.

Joker on Wizard Cover

The Empire arti­cle itself also con­tains a new Bat­man pic­ture of Bruce Wayne admir­ing the new bat-suit. For those inter­ested in read­ing the arti­cle, but are unable to pur­chase a copy of the British pub­li­ca­tion, a typed out ver­sion can be found on SHH, Empire Arti­cle. This is an extract from the Empire inter­view with Chris Nolan:

“The way Bat­man Begins ended was intended not so much as sequel bait,” Nolan insists, “but to cre­ate a level of excite­ment at the end of the movie. Ulti­mately, the sequel hap­pened because we got caught up in that process of imag­in­ing how you would see the Joker go through the prism of what we did in the first film.”

And how is the Joker seen through that prism? “Inde­scrib­able, really, Not to sound eva­sive — it actu­ally is quite dif­fi­cult to explain, but all I can really say is Heath’s not doing any par­tic­u­lar thing, he’s inhab­it­ing the char­ac­ter in very much the way I’d hoped from a psy­cho­log­i­cal per­spec­tive. He really cre­ated some­thing that I think is going to be quite terrifying.”

TDK Batsuit

Joker revealed on Empire’s Cover November 27th, 2007

The Empire mag­a­zine, with its soon to be Joker world exclu­sive, now has its cover online for the world to see:

A higher res­o­lu­tion, grad­u­ally revealed ver­sion of this pic­ture is on show at He Is Com­ing.

New Joker Footage August 3rd, 2007

My Fox Chicago are back with more can­did videos and pho­tog­ra­phy from this week’s filming.

And for the videos, the first shows the scene being shot in the above images and can be found here. The sec­ond video is from a slightly dif­fer­ent angle.

“We’ve got more behind-the-scenes footage from the ongo­ing pro­duc­tion of Bat­man: The Dark Knight going on right now in Chicago. These are from overnight last night into this morning.

In these clips, you can see Heath Ledger dressed as The Joker prepar­ing for a scene, and in the link after that, video of the scene being produced.”

Thanks for the heads up Steve.

New Official Joker Picture July 28th, 2007

Revealed in the Why So Seri­ous escapades, we have this lit­tle delight star­ring Heath Ledger and Mag­gie Gyllenhaal,

Joker Picture The Dark Knight

More of Heath Ledger as The Joker July 17th, 2007

TRAGIC UPDATE: The Joker, Heath Ledger found dead 

Seems like Heath Ledger has been doing quite a bit of film­ing as of late, as well as some skate­board­ing it seems. First up, MyFox­Chicago has three can­did videos of The Dark Knight, show­ing The Joker and the tum­bler (Batmobile).

In an alto­gether dif­fer­ent loca­tion LatinoReview’s scooper Kava­lier 149 has snapped this great shot — at last we can see the tra­di­tional Joker attire (see full arti­cle for spoiler pictures).

Read the rest of this entry »

Promotional Images June 15th, 2007

From the offi­cial web­site, this is the first of The Dark Knight pro­mo­tion shots:

Sec­ond comes Har­vey Dent’s pro­mo­tional poster, once again via the Warner Bros. site:

And thirdly, the first unveil­ing of Heath Ledger as The Joker which slowly emerged via a viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign “I believe in Har­vey Dent TOO”:

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