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Dark Knight Sequel

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Chris Nolan comments on Batman 3 progress July 26th, 2010

Speak­ing to MTV, Nolan answered ques­tions about Bat­man 3, specif­i­cally, is a July 2012 pre­mière and March 2011 film­ing on the cards?

Nolan answered,

“Yes and no, I sup­pose, would be the answer. We know we would be aim­ing for 2012, and that’s been talked about, but we’re just work­ing on the script really. My brother’s been hard at work on it for quite some time, based on a story that myself and David Goyer have written.”

Michael Caine gives updates on Batman sequel September 23rd, 2009

The skinny is, there is no news. No script, no cast­ing, noth­ing. Bat­man 3, or The Dark Knight sequel, how­ever you wish to refer to it, will not be made before 2011. Though he did rule out Johnny Depp.

“There is nobody, there’s no script, there’s noth­ing. […] It can’t pos­si­bly be made before 2011 because ‘Incep­tion’ is such a big picture.”


“Johnny Depp is great in any­thing, but there is no Johnny Depp in this Bat­man. They tell me in no uncer­tain terms.“

Nolan’s Inception dated July 26th 2010 March 1st, 2009

Just to pro­vide you with a bit of con­text for The Dark Knight sequel, Warner Bros. have announced that Chris Nolan’s next movie, “Incep­tion”, will be released on July 26th 2010. This falls in direct com­pe­ti­tion with Marvel’s Thor movie.

Christopher Nolan to direct “Inception” February 13th, 2009

As expected, and in fol­low­ing the Bat­man Begins to The Dark Knight jour­ney, Christo­pher Nolan is tak­ing some time out from Bat­man to pur­sue another movie — “Incep­tion”. Do not fret, The Pres­tige was filmed between the first two Bat­man movies and this cer­tainly does not rule Nolan out from a third movie. What’s more, Warner Bros. are pro­duc­ing “Incep­tion”, keep­ing every­one happy.

“Incep­tion” is billed as “a con­tem­po­rary sci-fi actioner set within the archi­tec­ture of the mind”, with an orig­i­nal screen­play by Nolan it plans to begin shoot­ing this sum­mer with a sum­mer 2010 release in mind.

Bear­ing this news in mind, the ear­li­est point at which pro­duc­tion on The Dark Knight sequel might begin is Sum­mer 2010, and with pro­duc­tion tak­ing approx­i­mately 14 months it could be late 2011 or Sum­mer 2012 before the caped cru­sader returns to theaters.

Batman sequel due in 2011 January 26th, 2009

New Jersey’s Courier Post spoke to Bat­man Begins and The Dark Knight exec­u­tive pro­ducer Michael Uslan. He expects the third Chris Nolan Bat­man movie to make an appear­ance in 2011. This seems log­i­cal to us, fol­low­ing a sim­i­lar time frame as Begins to Knight — it gives the cre­ative team a chance to flesh out some ideas whilst allow­ing Nolan to have a break from the fran­chise for a year or so, per­haps to work on other projects (such as The Pres­tige).

Uslan will be onboard as exec­u­tive pro­ducer for the “Dark Knight” sequel, which he esti­mates will be [in] the­aters by 2011. As for the iden­tity of the next round of Batman’s supervil­lains and love inter­ests, Uslan remains tight-lipped. “It’s one of those deals where if I told you, I’d have to kill you,” he says with a chuckle.

Eckhart comments on Harvey Dent’s future at Globes January 11th, 2009

From MTV:

“I think Har­vey — if he’s not dead — is in a seri­ous coma,” stated Eck­hart, “and I’m not sure he’s com­ing out. They might pull the plug on him.” Seem­ingly firm words, right? Except even the notion that his alter-ego is still alive is a clear depar­ture from pre­vi­ous state­ments where the actor was per­fectly fine con­firm­ing Harvey’s death at the busi­ness end of a freefalling drop.

We know from our recent inter­view with pro­ducer Charles Roven that screen­writ­ers Christo­pher Nolan and David Goyer have begun brain­storm­ing ideas for a third “Bat­man” film…could some­thing out of that have led to Eckhart’s about-face on Two-Face? His wink-wink-nod-nod answer seems to sug­gest that some­thing else may be at play.

Are MTV clutch­ing at straws here?

Alan Horn clarifies WB’s position on sequel December 20th, 2008

Seems like the tabloids are at it again, this time with rumors that Rachel Weisz will be play­ing Cat Woman, Shia LaBoeuf to play Robin and Eddie Mur­phy as The Rid­dler — where do they get this crap? Suf­fice to say, it’s all made up drivel.

Time to get some real voices on the sequel to The Dark Knight; Alan Horn, pres­i­dent of Warner Bros. has recently spo­ken with Col­lider:

We’ve been talk­ing to Chris Nolan and what we have to do is get him in the right place and have him tell us what he thinks the notion might be for a great story, but Chris did a great job and we’d love to have him come back and do another one.”

As far as the tim­ing of the project, he went onto say: “The story is every­thing and we are very respect­ful of Chris. We have a won­der­ful rela­tion­ship with him and we are going to be respect­ful of his tim­ing and we want to get it right. Also, I think the fans expect that – they want us to make a ter­rific movie – we have to give them another great movie.

Nolan interview in USA Today: Deleted scenes and sequel December 8th, 2008

Christo­pher Nolan has been speak­ing with USA Today about the suc­cess of The Dark Knight and its poten­tial sequel:

Nolan says he is jot­ting notes and doing some rough out­lines for a third story, but he hasn’t yet found any­thing he’s will­ing to com­mit to film, despite Warner Bros.’ eager­ness to get a new film underway.

“It was obvi­ous when the box office was so big ($530 mil­lion domes­ti­cally) that we had under­es­ti­mated how ready fans were to reboot the fran­chise,” he says. “The worst thing you could do now that you’ve got­ten the plane back in the air is mess up the landing.”

[Talk­ing about sequels and a third movie] “I don’t know why they’re hard to do,” Nolan says. “Maybe there’s so much expec­ta­tion to them. But I wouldn’t want to do one if it weren’t going to be as good as the first or sec­ond. That’s not respect­ful to the fans.“

Nolan also points out his rea­sons for not putting out­takes or deleted scenes on the DVD — not a sin­gle extra scene involv­ing The Joker:

Nolan says he wasn’t keep­ing deleted scenes from fans. “For my past three films, I really haven’t had scenes that didn’t make it in the movie,” he says. “If it’s in the final script, I tend put it on screen.”

Any out­takes, how­ever, were inten­tion­ally left off the DVD. “I don’t like out­takes or gag reels,” Nolan says. “I don’t think it’s respect­ful to the actors, who signed on to have their per­for­mance on screen, not the takes that didn’t work out. It dis­cour­ages actors from going all-out if they think every mis­take is going on the disc.”

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