Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Michael Caine gives updates on Batman sequel September 23rd, 2009

The skinny is, there is no news. No script, no cast­ing, noth­ing. Bat­man 3, or The Dark Knight sequel, how­ever you wish to refer to it, will not be made before 2011. Though he did rule out Johnny Depp.

“There is nobody, there’s no script, there’s noth­ing. […] It can’t pos­si­bly be made before 2011 because ‘Incep­tion’ is such a big picture.”


“Johnny Depp is great in any­thing, but there is no Johnny Depp in this Bat­man. They tell me in no uncer­tain terms.“

Comments 4 Responses to “Michael Caine gives updates on Batman sequel”

Rachel C. September 23rd, 2009

Michael Caine said that he would be in trou­ble again if they do cast Johnny Depp as the Rid­dler and while I love the man as an actor, I hope he will be.

I was really excited when I heard the rumors about Johnny Depp and Phillip Seymour-Hoffman as the Rid­dler and the Pen­guin respec­tively. I hope this does hap­pen, and I do not care if I have to wait until 2013 to see the epic movie I am sure it will be. I have also heard that Christo­pher Nolan will only direct a 3rd Bat­man film if the script is amaz­ing enough. Come on, script-writers. If you can write the Dark Knight so well, you can do another Bat­man movie with­out going into the campi­ness that was Bat­man For­ever and Bat­man and Robin.

CT October 5th, 2009

Michael Caine said that he would be in trou­ble again if they do cast Johnny Depp as the Rid­dler and while I love the man as an actor, I hope he will be.

I was really excited when I heard the rumors about Johnny Depp and Phillip Seymour-Hoffman as the Rid­dler and the Pen­guin respec­tively. I hope this does hap­pen, and I do not care if I have to wait until 2013 to see the epic movie I am sure it will be. I have also heard that Christo­pher Nolan will only direct a 3rd Bat­man film if the script is amaz­ing enough. Come on, script-writers. If you can write the Dark Knight so well, you can do another Bat­man movie with­out going into the campi­ness that was Bat­man For­ever and Bat­man and Robin.

Hotel Ric­cione June 3rd, 2010

Hiii? this is awe­some for me i know that for me Bat­man films have been my fever im sure that these movies as the Rid­dler and the Pen­guin i got to see before die Thanks lot edit it

Peter Glass June 9th, 2010

Bat­man and Bat­man Returns were excel­lent Bat­man For­ever was great
Bat­man & Robin was good and Bat­man Begins was aver­age but The Dark Knight was crap.