Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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Extended Trailer at the Dominos Dark Knight Vault July 1st, 2008

Domi­nos have unveiled their lat­est part in the ongo­ing Dark Knight pro­mo­tional cam­paign — a vault filled with good­ies, includ­ing an extended trailer with new footage. There are wall­pa­pers and many fea­tures still listed as com­ing soon, such as a mobile game, a new trailer and inter­views, pre­sum­ably with cast and crew.

Domi­nos Dark Knight Vault

Thanks Pierre, Tim, Anton, Linda, Csam!

New International Trailer June 27th, 2008

Eric has writ­ten in with a link to Trailer Addict, with an all new Dark Knight trailer fea­tur­ing new footage, quotes and a well cut mon­tage of what we can expect when the movie is released:

Higher Quality Alternative Trailer June 17th, 2008

Before watch­ing this I’ll give you some fore­warn­ing. This video isn’t as finely cut and edited as the pre­vi­ous incar­na­tions, it lacks a cer­tain aes­thetic qual­ity and in that reveals more of the movies’ events. The video con­tains much more dia­logue and spans a good 2 min­utes. If you don’t mind spoil­ers, please enjoy:

Thanks again Csam Cram!

Gotham Tonight and new Trailer June 13th, 2008

These have just hit the Com­cast OnDe­mand service:

Dark Knight alter­na­tive trailer

Gotham Tonight with Mike Engel

Thanks Csam Cram!

Verizon Wireless Trailer June 2nd, 2008

Ver­i­zon Wire­less has released a trailer for mobile phones. It is a slightly altered ver­sion of the exist­ing third trailer, with new footage and dia­logue. You can view it at You Tube here.

Second Dark Knight Trailer Officially Released May 4th, 2008

Be off with you, it’s time to head over to Happy Trails and down­load that 200mb best qual­ity ver­sion of the trailer!

Prize film reel is Joker manipulated trailer April 30th, 2008

With all the traits of the Ha Ha Times, the film reel, handed out to the one lucky raf­fle ticket holder at each of the “It’s all part of the plan” events, con­tains not the nor­mal ver­sion but a “jok­er­ized” one:

From YouTube:

The film was a 35mm workprint in anamor­phic and was pro­jected off of an old 35 pro­jec­tor which can han­dle anamor­phic lenses. How­ever the dis­tance between the lens and the screen is not intended for such a wide for­mat caus­ing the image to not fit per­fectly on the screen, but this was the quick­est solu­tion to get this video to every­one else FOR NOW. Hope­fully within the next day or so we should be pro­ject­ing again in a bet­ter set­ting and will have an ideal source to record from (includ­ing good stereo audio). So for now, enjoy.

New Dark Knight Trailer Leaked online April 29th, 2008

One of those that was lucky enough to be at the trailer’s screen­ing man­aged to get a low-quality record­ing of the footage, which has since been put up on YouTube in its ugly boot­legged for­mat. For those too impa­tient to see it, I include the video below (likely to be removed by the WB any time soon):

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