Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

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Dark Knight World Premier Gallery July 16th, 2008

These images from the World Pre­mier of The Dark Knight on 68th Street and Broad­way in NYC, come via two sources — the glitzy posed shots with excel­lent light­ing were posted by Cin­e­mat­i­cal, whilst the can­did but super high res­o­lu­tion shots were taken by Flickr user czan­gle:

More pictures from Hong Kong November 14th, 2007

HLTam has kindly given us per­mis­sion to post the shots that he took dur­ing Batman’s brief film­ing spell in Hong Kong. You can see more of his pho­tog­ra­phy here.

Flickr user 070758 has also granted us per­mis­sion to repro­duce these two pho­tos depict­ing prepa­ra­tion for the “bat­man base jump” and a nicely posed police offi­cer extra:

Batman in Hong Kong Part 2 November 12th, 2007

The Inter­na­tional Her­ald Tri­bune report that the major­ity of The Dark Knight’s Hong Kong film­ing has now been com­pleted. Scenes included “dozens of police offi­cers” storm­ing a sky­scraper in the finan­cial dis­trict, filmed late on Sun­day and early on Mon­day morn­ing; whilst ear­lier in the week Lucius Fox (Mor­gan Free­man) and Bruce Wayne were filmed hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion on a bridge near Lyn­d­hurst Ter­race. Bale also stated in a press con­fer­ence that he was sched­uled to jump from the “90 floor Inter­na­tional Finance Cen­ter”. And that he did — scroll down to see the ver­tigo induc­ing pic­tures of Bat­man stand­ing on the edge of the tall build­ing, and video of the encir­cling Helicopter.

The Press Con­fer­ence via BlipTV:

In this con­fer­ence Chris Nolan also debunked those pre­vi­ous rumors that a scene was aban­doned because of pol­lu­tion, cit­ing script changes as the real reason.You can find another enter­tain­ment round-up in this ITN video hosted on YouTube:

Hong Kong Videos:

A Round up of the HK Action and Bat­man Jump (pic­tures mon­tage and footage towards the end):

Police Storm­ing the Scene

Mor­gan Free­man being filmed:

Hong Kong News Reports:

Hong Kong Pictures:

Batman’s Big Jump:

High Res­o­lu­tion shots of the HK film­ing, from Chris­t­ian Bale Fan. Check out the link for lots more gal­leries and high res­o­lu­tion pic­tures of Bale and Free­man.

At the Air­port (via AICN):

C-130 Aircraft Flies Over Hong Kong November 8th, 2007

A num­ber of news crews were on hand to wit­ness some of the C-130 air­craft Hong Kong fly overs which took place today as part of The Dark Knight’s film­ing schedule:

Hong Kong Fly Over

Asso­ci­ated Press (2) | Reuters (2)

The Stan­dard have posted an arti­cle cov­er­ing the event. Once again it seems filled with more of their neg­a­tive com­men­tary — stat­ing that the fly overs failed to “thrill fans” and those that waited out­side to catch a glimpse of Bat­man or the bat sig­nal. I get the feel­ing they are not entirely happy with the TDK HK shoot.

Flickr user fer­nan­dogros (blog) has also man­aged to cap­ture some shots of an encir­cling Heli­copter, tak­ing some footage for the movie:

TDK Helicopter

In other related news, Cybr­punk has posted some street clo­sures in the area to make way for Bat­man and his chums. Specif­i­cally, Novem­ber 9th between 2:00pm and 5:30pm on Lyn­d­hurst Ter­race and Cochrane Street:

Hong kong Street Closures Notice

Battersea Power Station Explosion for TDK October 12th, 2007

This was a turn up for the books. Unlike the well antic­i­pated Chicago demo­li­tion, this explo­sion came com­pletely unprompted and minus the live video footage, heli­copter feed and local photographers.

How­ever, The Lon­don Paper were on scene to cap­ture some images and make a com­pre­hen­sive report, to our delight.

Battersea Power Station Explosion for The Dark Knight

The emer­gency ser­vices were flooded with calls from local res­i­dents who feared the defunct elec­tric­ity gen­er­at­ing plant had been tar­geted by terrorists.

But they were reas­sured the 200ft fire­ball, accom­pa­nied by columns of grey smoke, which could bee seen for miles across the cap­i­tal, was a spe­cial effect for the lat­est Bat­man film.

SPOILER: The spec­tac­u­lar stunt scene, in which Bat­man actor Chris­t­ian Bale nar­rowly cheats death, is believed to be the open­ing sequence of the fifth caped cru­sader movie The Dark Knight.

Res­i­dent Marck Jason, 24, of Bat­tersea, said: “I was gob­s­macked. I was just walk­ing home and saw this bloody huge explosion.

“Obvi­ously my first thought was that it was a ter­ror­ist attack and I dialled 999.

“I know it’s sort of cool that the place is being used for a film, as its a bril­liant build­ing, but a bit of warn­ing wouldn’t have hurt.”

If any­one has more from the scene we’d love to hear from you!

Via Daily Mail

Gotham City Vehicles Spotted in London October 10th, 2007

Fel­low Briton what­ley­dude has man­aged to snap a pic­ture of a Gotham City police van whilst it encir­cled Lon­don on the M25 motor­way, atop a trailer.

Sup­plied with the expressed per­mis­sion of What­ley­dude.

Batman Tidbits September 8th, 2007

Here are a cou­ple of inter­est­ing things from through-out this week. First up, Yahoo have posted the voice-over Dark Knight teaser video in high def­i­n­i­tion, here’s the link.

Here is another Gotham explo­sion video via YouTube:

Over at the SHH forums Big Engine posted up some inside pic­tures of the Card­ing­ton Hang­ers in the UK, to be used as the set­ting for a fight scene:

And some SWAT stunt footage via Lexwalk (warn­ing the descrip­tion of this video and the video itself can be con­sid­ered a bit spoi­ler­ish):

Mean­while, Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal has been doing some mod­el­ling for Agent Provocateur.

And have a good week­end folks!

The Dark Knight’s Lamborghini Crash September 8th, 2007

One lucky flickr user, carscomed­i­tor, was on scene with cam­era to wit­ness the Mur­cielago accident.

Check out the flickr gallery for a cou­ple more pictures.

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