Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Impending Implosion: August 30th August 26th, 2007

A few weeks ago we reported about an upcom­ing and expen­sive action event — the implo­sion of Brach Candy fac­tory site. The ever reli­able Hol­ly­wood Chicago are back with more juicy gos­sip con­cern­ing the nature of the event and most impor­tantly — a date.

The new date is Thurs­day, Aug. 30. It is sched­uled to hap­pen between 10:30 a.m. and noon.

This will be two build­ings. The larger build­ing is to be filled with flam­ma­ble liq­uids and the sec­ond smaller, four-story build­ing will be imploded. This is the last big stunt for the film to be shot.

And to relay the appended infor­ma­tion, the address of this site is 401 N. Cicero Ave. in Chicago::

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HC’s lat­est post also dis­closes the nature of this build­ing. See­ing the pic­ture will reveal the spoiler, fol­low this dan­ger­ous link to con­tinue.

Comments No Responses to “Impending Implosion: August 30th”

Greg August 29th, 2007

Well, it hap­pened August 29, not August 30. Only one build­ing, not two. “The ever reli­able” was not this time. I’m dis­ap­pointed that I, as a 37 year employee at the plant was unable to see this first hand. Hol­ly­wood Chicago must be dis­ap­pointed in the reli­a­bil­ity of their sources.