Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Why So Serious Catch Up and Screenings December 5th, 2007

So, yes­ter­day evening the Why So Seri­ous viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign that we have been par­tic­i­pat­ing in as of late came to its con­clu­sion by unveil­ing The Dark Knight teaser poster.

This post is a catch-up entry to fill in the gaps between the “step right up” chal­lenge and the release of the poster. My last post revealed a num­ber of scary cud­dly toys with loca­tions pinned to their bel­lies, at each of these loca­tions was a bak­ery with a cake, inside of which was an evi­dence bag con­tain­ing a phone, a joker card and a note. When each cake was grabbed, the bear was removed and we all came one step closer to hit­ting the bell.

Here are some more pic­tures of the cakes via our friends at Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

Step Right Up Cake


Why So Serious Cake Evidence


Joker Card and Phone in the cake

When all of these cakes were dis­cov­ered, hit­ting the bell won the prize… and click­ing through lead you to an evi­dence page with two joker cards:

Each of the cards is a link, the left card takes you to the poster page, which we have all seen by now. The right takes you to a sign up page for what looks to be some pre­view screen­ings in IMAX cin­e­mas across the coun­try — the pro­logue perhaps?

And here’s a pic­ture of the ticket via Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

Why So Serious Preview Screening Event Ticket

Comments No Responses to “Why So Serious Catch Up and Screenings”

Kiko December 6th, 2007

Prop to you, is the best site out there…anyways..this is some­what out of topic..actually now that I think­ing about is com­pletely out of topic.….but the I love Har­vey Dent too site…might have an update this week or the next, b/c I was check­ing the page info, when I right clicked the site..and it expires the 26..and it give a very spe­cific time…Also the Gotham times expires on Sat­ur­day, and again ti give spe­cific prob­a­bly know this..and I might be the last one to know it..but if is new..alright!!!..and if than I most cer­tainly will proudly take a big HAHA!..again very very nice site!…is one of my daily rou­tines when I get inline..check for updates!

Natha December 8th, 2007

So, did you come to the the­athe at Decem­ber 6th?
What the hell happened???

Please, I’m so curi­ous! lol

ps: great, great, great site!