Movie Chronicles » Untitled Spider-man project

More Spidey Films to Come August 1st, 2007

Back in August 2006 — nearly a year ago now, we had our first insight into what lies in wait for the future of both Mar­vel films and the Spider-man fran­chise. In an inter­view with MTV, Mar­vel pro­ducer Kevin Feige had this to say,

“There will be many more Spider-Man films to come,” he promised. “We already have stacks of ideas for the next one because of the wealth of sto­ries in the comics. We could be mak­ing Spider-Man movies for the next 20 years, based on the 50 years of Spider-Man his­tory we have.”

That doesn’t nec­es­sar­ily guar­an­tee, how­ever, that Tobey Maguire will con­tinue as the man under the mask.

“When you’re con­cen­trat­ing on one movie at a time, there’s a begin­ning and a mid­dle and an end to that process,” Feige rea­soned. “We’ve been top­ping each one as they go, [and if that hap­pens again], that’s the time for those discussions.”

And when it comes to Tobey Maguire’s involve­ment, he denied rumors that he would not be par­tic­i­pat­ing and instead had this to say (via Yahoo Movies),

“I feel like the sto­ries all deserve to be told, and, you know, if… the whole team wants to get back together, and we feel like we can make a good movie that’s worth mak­ing, then I’m up for it.”

In an arti­cle at SciFi​.com these sen­ti­ments were uttered again,

“Well, it’s pos­si­ble that we make another movie,” Maguire said in an inter­view. “It all depends on if there’s a story worth telling. I feel very proud of the three movies that we’ve made. I feel like the sto­ries all deserve to be told, and, you know, if they come up with a good movie, and the whole team wants to get back together, and we feel like we can make a good movie that’s worth mak­ing, then I’m up for it.” 

The arti­cle con­tin­ues, stat­ing that co-star Kirsten Dunst would also be inter­ested in repris­ing her role as Mary Jane Watson;

“There’s an open­ness at the end [of Spider-Man 3], which I like, but … I feel like this is a tril­ogy unto itself,” she said. “And I think if we ven­ture into a fourth, it will be some time from now and in a new way. Because I don’t think Sam can do that: con­tin­u­ing on this same course. I think he needs to ven­ture as an artist and do other things; oth­er­wise, none of us will have any­thing good to bring to the fourth. So I think we all need to ven­ture out a lit­tle bit, and then maybe we’ll come back together one day and do another one.”

This brings us very nicely to the pro­jected involve­ment of Spider-man direc­tor Sam Raimi. In April 2007 he announced that Sony had plans to pro­duce another 3 Spider-man films,  whether he shall direct these is at the moment unknown. Raimi had this to say in an Empire inter­view in July this year,

“I want to help con­tribute to the pro­duc­tion,” he said. “I don’t know if I’ll just be a pro­ducer on it but if I can work with the writer in such a way so that direct­ing would be right for me, I don’t know. We’ve had our first meet­ing on Spider-Man 4 and we’re look­ing for the writer.”

As for who is cur­rently work­ing on the illus­tri­ous project, in Jan­u­ary 2007 a deal with screen­writer David Koepp was sought, though it seems as of July a new writer may be involved.