Movie Chronicles » Untitled Spider-man project

Sam Raimi on undoing Spider-man mistakes in 4 June 2nd, 2009

Sam Raimi has offered up some minor updates on Spider-man 4 dur­ing his “Drag Me to Hell” pro­mo­tional inter­views. Speak­ing with Cin­e­mat­i­cal, Raimi says:

“I learn lessons on every sin­gle pic­ture I make,” he said. “I learned a lot on [Drag Me To Hell], about tim­ing, and that you don’t have to give up any char­ac­ter at the expense of hor­ror. It’s just an excuse that maybe I’ve used in the past. As far as Spider-Man, I’ve learned a lot of lessons about what peo­ple didn’t like and mis­steps that I’d made. But I learned those lessons on the pre­vi­ous two, I was just a lit­tle qui­eter about them. I made a lot of mis­takes, and it’s part of the rea­son I so want to make this next story of Peter Parker.”

Raimi con­tin­ued, “I really think I know in my heart who the char­ac­ter is, and I haven’t quite been able to sing the song yet, or bring it out to the extent or degree of detail that I feel in my heart that I can. And I may not be suc­cess­ful, but I still feel like I know it bet­ter than I’m able to play it; I feel like the kid that really prac­ticed at the piano recital, with years of comic books, and when I got to my other recitals, I some­times made some mis­steps with them. There’s a whole crowd there and they think that’s as well as I know the piece, but I really do know it a lot bet­ter than that and I would like one more chance at that char­ac­ter. The Spider-Man films, I’ve made mis­takes, but I really do look at them as things that I’ve learned, and hope that when I apply what I’ve learned to this next one, I really make a film that peo­ple enjoy and is really true to the char­ac­ter in a fresh, orig­i­nal way. That’s my goal.”

Comments One Response to “Sam Raimi on undoing Spider-man mistakes in 4”

Ash­ley Alfred September 10th, 2009

Sam Raimi made a big mis­take end­ing spi­der­man 3 abruptly. In fact the entire movie got screwed up just because of the flawed cli­max. First of all unveil­ing the sand­man as uncle ben’s killer was a bad idea already. Then in the end Spi­der­man allows the sand­man, a hard­ened crim­i­nal, infact a supervil­lain to just flee. Also venom was han­dled in the worst way as pos­si­ble. I hope Raimi doesn’t com­mit these mis­takes in the future.