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Another new image of Odin and Thor July 25th, 2010

This comes via the SHH forums.

First image of Antony Hopkins as Odin, in Thor July 25th, 2010

The Gods of Thor have been revealed via the LATimes, in a report that con­firms the film will be released in 3D (although it wasn’t shot in 3D). Along­side Hop­kins are Hemsworth as Thor and Tom Hid­dle­ston as Loki.

First image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor July 25th, 2010

And the film’s syn­op­sis to bring some of you up to speed:

The film fol­lows the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth), a pow­er­ful but arro­gant war­rior whose reck­less actions reignite an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth by his father Odin (Anthony Hop­kins) and is forced to live among humans. A beau­ti­ful young sci­en­tist, Jane Fos­ter (Natalie Port­man), has a pro­found effect on Thor, as she ulti­mately becomes his first love. It’s while here on Earth that Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dan­ger­ous vil­lain of his world sends the dark­est forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

Robert De Niro, Jude Law and Matthias Schweighöfer cast in Thor movie? October 18th, 2009

In a Ger­man GQ inter­view with Matthias Schweighöfer (Valkyrie), the actor report­edly (we haven’t seen a copy of the issue and the news hasn’t been pub­lished online) announced he’s in the run­ning for a role in Thor, whilst reveal­ing that Robert De Niro and Jude Law have also been cast. The rumor was orig­i­nally posted to AICN.

I’ve clas­si­fied this as rumor for now, there’s no hard proof and the arti­cle might well have been mis­trans­lated. How­ever, both Law and De Niro have worked with Thor direc­tor Ken­neth Branagh in the past, which gives some cre­dence to the claims.

Which char­ac­ters would these actors play?

In other cast­ing news, Stan Lee has con­firmed to Col­lider that he’ll be tak­ing up his cameo role for Thor, though he doesn’t yet know the details.

Thor casting call for Warriors, are they Skrulls, Kree? October 11th, 2009

Spoil­erTV has posted a cast­ing call for the Thor movie, ask­ing for

[WARRIORS] A fear­less war­rior race, where size, strength and feroc­ity define a member’s rank in both the social and mil­i­tary hier­ar­chy. War­riors born in this soci­ety face the harsh­est eco­log­i­cal con­di­tions imag­in­able and thrive in envi­ron­ments where lesser crea­tures, includ­ing humans, quickly per­ishes. Theirs is a world cre­ated to cull weak­ness from the uni­verse to ensure their supreme sov­er­eignty spreads across the stars. MUST BE 6’2 OR TALLER sptv050769, NO BODYBUILDER TYPES. SAG ROLE BUT NO LINES. MUST BE COMFORTABLE WEARING PROSTHETICS.

Cin­e­mat­i­cal spec­u­late that this is a cast­ing call for the Skrulls,

You can’t really get any more mil­i­taris­tic and con­quest dri­ven than these guys, and one def­i­nitely needs pros­thet­ics to pull them off. But what the heck would Skrulls be doing in Thor? Even Loki hasn’t had much to do with those creeps until recently. The obvi­ous answer would be to have them come in and set up The Avengers, but with two vil­lains and two love inter­ests, you’d think there was enough crazy to go around. Any­one out there have a bet­ter guess as to who our prosthetic-heavy war­riors might be?

Fans have also sug­gested they could be the Kree, a war­rior race that have reached their evo­lu­tion­ary peak or Frost Giants. How­ever, another right­fully points out, it is likely they will just be Asgar­dian extras.

Stellan Skarsgård cast in Thor October 11th, 2009

Stel­lan Skarsgård’s son, Alexan­der, was orig­i­nally con­sid­ered as a strong can­di­date for the Thor role, but in the end lost out to Star Trek man Chris Hemsworth. Swedish site Ystads Alle­handa report that Stel­lan has been cast in the movie, but his role is deeply secre­tive. So secre­tive in fact, the stu­dio wanted the actor to sign with­out read­ing the script; he refused until he received a copy (albeit an encoded version).

Jaimie Alexander and Colm Feore join Thor cast September 23rd, 2009

Thor has recruited two more cast mem­bers, Jaimie Alexan­der (Kyle XY) and Colm Feore (Face/Off). Jaimie Alexan­der will play Sif, an Asgar­dian war­rior that can, “hold her own against any man”. She’s also one of Thor’s loves and spends a lot of her time search­ing for him. She is skilled in hand to hand com­bat and the use of mêlée weapons. Colm Feore will play an unknown vil­lain, the details of which are being kept a tight-lipped secret.

Jaimie Alexan­der

Colm Feore

Natalie Portman to play Jane Foster in Thor movie July 16th, 2009

Back in March we com­mented on the pos­si­bil­ity that Natalie Port­man might play a “strong female lead” in the Thor movie adaptation.

An offi­cial state­ment from Mar­vel reports that Natalie Port­man has been cast as Jane Fos­ter, Don­ald Blake’s nurse. With such a big cast­ing set in present day planet Earth, it’s pos­si­ble that a good pro­por­tion of the movie may take place here, rather than Asgard — giv­ing us a lot of the human ver­sion of Thor.

Mar­vel comments,

Even the Mighty Thor can be thun­der­struck by affairs of the heart!

Mar­vel Stu­dios announced today that Acad­emy Award® nom­i­nated actress Natalie Port­man has been cast to star as Jane Fos­ter in the studio’s highly antic­i­pated movie “Thor.”

In the early “Thor” comics, Jane Fos­ter was a nurse who became Thor’s first love. The char­ac­ter will be updated for the fea­ture adaptation.

Port­man will star oppo­site Chris Hemsworth who will play Thor and Tom Hid­dle­ston who will play the vil­lain Loki. Ken­neth Branagh will direct the film.

Mar­vel Stu­dios expands its film uni­verse with a new type of super hero: “Thor.” This epic adven­ture spans the Mar­vel Uni­verse; from present day Earth to the realm of Asgard. At the cen­ter of the story is The Mighty Thor, a pow­er­ful but arro­gant war­rior whose reck­less actions reignite an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as pun­ish­ment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dan­ger­ous vil­lain of his world sends the dark­est forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

Thanks Leroy!

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