Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

First picture of Ryan Reynolds as The Green Lantern July 25th, 2010

On set Ryan Reynolds has been per­form­ing in a per­for­mance cap­ture suit, so until now, despite pic­tures cap­tured on set, no one has seen the suit. Until now. Enter­tain­ment Weekly got the exclu­sive, and their front cover is as fol­lows, show­ing the green light puls­ing out, as if behind lay­ers of mus­cle, as looks awe­some, with the excep­tion of the dodgy look­ing mask. With this suit being com­pletely CG, it’s plau­si­ble that it will con­stantly move, pulse and inter­act with Reynolds in very inter­est­ing ways.

Six fur­ther shots also show Blake Lively, Tim Rob­bins, Angela Bas­sett and Peter Sarsgaard.

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