Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

Donald De Line on Green Lantern March 9th, 2009

Com­ing Soon had the oppor­tu­nity to talk with pro­ducer Don­ald De Line (Body of Lies) about the direc­tion that Green Lantern is taking:

“Our story is the Hal Jor­dan ori­gin story, but cre­at­ing the char­ac­ter of Hal Jor­dan that is a real char­ac­ter that will res­onate with the fan­base is what we need to do. You have to make him cred­i­ble and some­body to care about and tell a good story, and I think if we do that, we’ll be okay.”

“It’s going to be a series of big stakes and big action, but it absolutely has a sense of humor,” he replied when asked about the humor quo­tient of the movie. “I think peo­ple accept real life, even with really seri­ous sit­u­a­tions, with humor as part of that sit­u­a­tion, as we expe­ri­ence in life, you have to have that. That’s how peo­ple cope, so they’ve done it so well in these other movies. I think that peo­ple are absolutely ready. It doesn’t have to fall on one side of the fence vs. the other.”

Lastly, we asked him to address the rumors about them delib­er­ately going younger with Hal Jor­dan, some­thing that came out of the bogus sto­ries about Anton Yelchin audi­tion­ing, but De Line denied the inten­tion to cast younger. “Not really, late ‘20s, early ‘30s.”